
Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Review of A Light in the Window

Here's a description of the book:

"One Woman. Two Men.
One stirs her pulse and the other her faith.
But who will win her heart?

Marceline Murphy is a gentle beauty with a well-founded aversion to rogues.
But when two of Boston's most notorious pursue her,
attraction, dreams and faith only muddle her mind.
Can the light in the window illuminate the path of true love?"

My Rating

My Review

A Light in the Window may be a bit "lighter" than the books in Julie Lessman's first two series ("Daughters of Boston" and "Winds of Change"), in the sense that it's a shorter read than her other stories and a tad less epic in scope, but it's a prequel not to be underestimated! For those who have never read any of Lessman's books, this one would be a great place to start, as the focus is only on one couple's journey to marriage - the catalyst for all six books in the aforementioned series. And for those who have read some or (especially) all of Lessman's books, this one is no less dramatic for knowing how it all ends. In fact, it's perhaps more moving to know the heartaches and grand blessings in store for Marceline and the man she marries.

Now, for a story about two rogues trying to win one faithful woman's heart, this has all the angst and emotion - as well as the not-so-smart choices - you'd expect. There is a great message about not judging others, but also being wise about whom you give your heart to; although I must say that I would like to have given Marcy the advice passed down to many a young woman: "Don't enter into a romantic relationship expecting to change the other person!" *sigh*

As for the seasonal aspect of this story, the play/fundraiser that Marcy and her best friend, Julie (I love that!), put together maintains the subtle Christmas theme throughout the pages. And all of the steps leading up to the production of the play (with the same title as the book) are conveyed in such a sweet, relatable, and big-hearted way with the help of some great secondary characters. So there's enough of the Christmas mood to provide a seasonal reading treat should you be looking for such. But really, the story goes about a half of a year's time, and the emphasis is on the tradition and symbolism of leaving a candle in the window, not so much on Christmas festivities - so this can be enjoyed any time of the year.

A Light in the Window is such a great read to bring Lessman's previous books together and provide a segue into new stories and characters in upcoming releases! It's more focused than many of her other books with its one love triangle and its consistent theme. And it can serve as a great introduction to Lessman's works - or a touching way to round out one's time with the O'Connor family.

*With thanks to the author for providing me with an e-copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

To Pre-Order the Book on Kindle: click HERE (releases November 9, 2012)

 Click the image above to go to the contest page on Julie's website. Contest ends December 31, 2012.


  1. Amber, thank you SO very much for being part of my blog tour and for posting such a warm and wonderful review -- I am BLESSED by your words and your friendship!


  2. This looks good.Aren't Christmas storie such fun?

  3. Wonderful review Amber! You have such a great way with words and can express your thoughts so well. Love it!


  4. Julie,

    Aww, it's my pleasure!! :) I am blessed by your friendship and your stories, too!!


  5. Ella,

    It is good! And yes, they are fun! :) I have another Christmas collection, as well as a Christmas CD, to review on the blog in the coming weeks, which will be fun! And there's one Christmas book I want to re-read this year... I guess we'll see if I get to it!


  6. Julie,

    Thank you so much!! I loved your review, as well! :)

    I'm always blessed when you stop by! :)


  7. Great review! I've got to catch up on this series! I imagine this will be one of the few books I ever read on my computer(which I strongly dislike), but I was very disappointed to find out I couldn't put it on my shelf next to the others. ;)

  8. Great review, Amber! I can't wait to start reading this one! :D

  9. Bluerose,

    Thank you! How many of the books have you read so far? Do you have a favorite? :)

    Aw, reading on the computer really isn't that much fun...although it can still be enjoyable if the book is good enough. :) I got the basic Kindle for my last birthday, which I've really enjoyed as an addition to my physical-book reading. Do you think you might ever take the e-book plunge? ;)

    It would be great if this one ever became a physical book, though, wouldn't it? Especially with a lovely cover like that! :)

    Thanks for stopping by!


  10. Michelle,

    Thank you, my friend!

    Happy reading!! Hope you love it! :)


  11. I really enjoyed this story and think that the O'Connors went out with or came in with a bang, however you want to put it LOL! I'm with Bluerose I'm sad that this isn't available in print but it's definitely worth buying and since it isn't as long ad her other books it's not too bad to read on the computer. :-)

    Renee C.

  12. Renee,

    Yes, so true! ;) And it would be really neat to have this one available as a print book, but like you said, at least it's not as long as the typical Lessman novel! ;) A wonderful read, and I'm glad you thought so, too!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!