
Monday, October 29, 2012

A Trick and a Treat: Cute Edition


For those of you who are tired of me posting cat pictures, I apologize! I just couldn't resist sharing this:

Yes, that's Muffin Man! 

I'm used to the silly cat climbing under my bedspread and taking a nap. But usually he does so after I've already made the bed.... Of course, one morning, not that long ago, when I didn't make my bed right away, he curled up in the blankets. Imagine my surprise when I went to make my bed, found it difficult to tug the sheets into place, and then promptly discovered a warm lump hidden in the covers! 

Tricky cat! But still, he's adorable...


Now, this treat is a little bit early in several ways - it came one day earlier than the estimated shipping date (hooray,!), and it came before Halloween (it's Christmas-themed)!

Love's Christmas Journey - finally on DVD!!

If you missed my review, you can read it HERE. It's been a year since this aired on TV, and after all the wondering and waiting, it is finally available to own on DVD! Looking forward to watching this cute Christmas addition to the Love Comes Softly series once again - minus the commercials! Definitely a treat for fans of the movie series. =)

For Halloween I hope to put together another "tricks and treats" post featuring my Kindle-book discoveries! Until then, do you have any fun "tricks" or "treats" you've received lately?


  1. Cute post! Question: Have you read the Love Comes Softly books?

  2. Thanks, Abbi! :)

    And yes, I've read the books (at least, I'm pretty sure I've read all of them) - but it's been quite a while! I for sure read Love's Long Journey and the last 3 books in the series, but I think I also read the others when I was in elementary school...?

    I enjoyed them. :) I especially preferred the way the latter books went as compared to the downhill slide of the latter movies... But I'm a big fan of the earlier movies, and this Christmas one was really cute (better than the prequels and the 7th & 8th movies, in my opinion!). If the fact that many of the movies are different than the books doesn't bother you too much, I think they're sweet and enjoyable in their own right. :)


  3. Amber-Yeah I grew up on the books and have read them many times. I do enjoy the movies but only if I view them as a completely different story from the books, since that's what they are. I kind of wish they would have just made them as their own thing that way lovers of the books could enjoy them without comparing. But you are right that they are sweet and enjoyable. If you get the chance you should really reread the books. The movies left out a lot of the best characters!

  4. Abbi,

    That's great that you've read them so many times, and that you can still find some enjoyment in the movies despite their differences from the books! :) I own the last three books, so I could re-visit those any time I'd like, which is nice to know! They really are sweet stories. :) I confess, though, that I don't re-read much nowadays! *sigh*

    Have you read any of Janette Oke's other books? I think one of the ones I loved when I was younger was A Gown of Spanish Lace. :)


  5. Amber
    I have read a lot of her other books and A Gown of Spanish Lace is my next favorite after the Love Comes Softly series. I also really like Roses for Mama.

  6. Abbi,

    Awesome! :) I really enjoyed A Gown of Spanish Lace. I also have a couple of books from her Canadian Mountie series and The Calling of Emily Evans, which is a really interesting and thought-provoking one.


  7. I love your cat pictures! A girl from my church is spending this semester in Europe, and apparently cats are everywhere on the streets over there(well taken care of). She takes pictures with them all the time. I thought it was funny that she decided to dress up as the "crazy cat lady" this year for Halloween. :)

    I DVRed this movie and I don't think I ever watched it. ;P

  8. Amber
    I have read the Canadian Mountie Series, but I don't think I got around to the Calling of Emily Evans. I have read a bunch of here other ones here and there. When I was transitioning from kid books to adult books her's and Al Lacy's were some of my only options (this was back before all the awesome YA out there now!) so I read a lot of them during a short time before my sister's would give me more books. Now I reread the ones I liked and leave it at that.

  9. Bluerose,

    Yay! :) And how fun is that?? Cat pictures and a crazy cat lady costume - yes! :)

    As for the movie - you've had it DVRed for about a year and haven't seen it?? Well, it's about that time of year again... ;) If you do watch it, I hope you enjoy it! It's got it's corny moments, but it's cute. :)


  10. Abbi,

    It's neat how big of an impact stories can have on our lives - how encouraging or uplifting they can be throughout the different stages of life. :)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for talking books with me! :)


  11. Amber
    I enjoyed talking books with you too! It's my favorite subject!

  12. Hi Amber! Cute picture of your kitty! I often find my cats doing the very same thing. : )

    Like Bluerose, I DVR'd Love's Christmas Journey, but never watched it. I have this DVD in my cart right now, and I'm looking for a couple other things to add to my order to get the free shipping. LOL! It's payday, and I think I'm going to treat myself to some early Christmas presents. ;-)

    Thanks for sharing the cute picture, and the news about the DVD release! Hope you have a fantastic weekend, Amber. :D

  13. Michelle,

    Thanks! Cats are too funny, aren't they? ;)

    Early Christmas presents to celebrate the season - sounds great to me! :) I'm planning on watching Love's Christmas Journey and reading an Amish Christmas collection by Kelly Long soon. :)

    Hope you enjoy the movie! And I hope you have a great weekend, too!! Thanks for stopping by!



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