
Sunday, July 29, 2012

End of Summer Push

Have you seen the "Currently on My Desk" feature in the sidebar (courtesy of Goodreads)? There are some books that have been in that section for a long, long time. I really need some motivation to get some reading done - and not just any reading, but reading that I ought to have finished a long, long time ago.

Hence, the "End of Summer Push." It's a reading challenge for me, along with anyone else who might be in the same boat. I noticed there's something kind of like this already going on, called the Review Copy Cleanup. So if you think that might be for you, it sounds like a good idea! The host is planning on having some readathons and Twitter parties to keep everyone going.

As for me, I'm kind of doing my own thing. I have certain books I want to read this month to "catch up" on the reviews I own some authors/publishers. To motivate myself, I've decided that every time I finish one of those books (and write the corresponding review) I will allow myself to watch an episode of one of my favorite T.V. shows, Christy, which I own on DVD. And since I've seen the episodes multiple times, I give myself permission to work on some cross-stitching while I watch, if I'm feeling up to it. ;)

Here's my list of books that I want to read/finish reading and review this month:
  • My Prince Will Come (devotional)
  • Prophet (fantasy)
  • The Dawn of a Dream (historical romance)
  • The Dunn Deal (mystery)
  • Harvest of Rubies (biblical fiction)
  • Through Rushing Waters (e-book; historical)
  • High Desert Haven (e-book; historical romance)
  • The Face of Heaven (historical Amish) 
  • Angel of the Cove (historical romance)
  • Keowee Valley (secular historical romance; September review)
  • A Bride's Dilemma in Friendship, Tennessee (historical romance)
The last three aren't super pressing, but it would be nice to get them done, too! Oh, and there are a couple of books I already finished, but reviews are forthcoming!

I could probably do all this without blogging about it, but I thought this would help keep me accountable. It might also help explain the large amount of reviews (hopefully!) that will be posted this month. And after the "End of Summer Push" (which will last through the month of August), I'm looking forward to celebrating with you and some dear author friends during the "End of Summer Bash" the first week of September! Fun author interviews and giveaways - it should be a good time! (Feel free to grab the button in the sidebar if you want to help spread the word!)

Also during this month (I guess I tend to dream big...), I'm hoping to read some C.S. Lewis books and post about them for my "Where the Past Meets the Present" feature over on The Borrowed Book blog. (Thank you to Bluerose for some of my reading material!) So head on over there Mondays to see what I'm up to in that reading department. ;)

My brain feels like it's been running a mile a minute with ideas for blogging and starting a business and reading and more... Hope you can make sense out of my recent blog posts! And be on the lookout for more blog posts (including book reviews!) to come soon!


  1. I know all about the end of the summer push, Amber, and it seems like the hurrier I go the behinder I get. lol! On my list is-

    Love's Reckoning-Laura Frantz
    Short Straw Bride-Karen Witemeyer
    Between Two Rivers-Rita Gerlach
    Plain Secrets-Kit Wilkinson
    The Gifted-Ann Gabhart
    Inescapable-Nancy Mehl
    The Chameleon-Jillian Kent
    A Duke's Promise-Jamie Carie
    Hunter's Prize-Marcia Gruver

    ACK!!!! It can almost be overwhelming if you let it, but I am so looking forward to diving into these great books! Happy reading!

  2. Hi Amber:

    With all this reading going on, it made me want to ask: “Do you have a lifetime reading plan?”

    When I was your age, just out of college, I read two books that have had an important impact on my life:

    “How to Read a Book” by Charles Van Doren and Mortimer J. Adler and The Lifetime Reading Plan by Clifton Fadiman.

    You have so much talent and energy. It might be wise to take time and plan how to use it to produce the most profound results. Reading can pay compound interest and the sooner it starts the greater the rewards.

    I have always wished I had had more time to read. : )


  3. Great goal setting, Amber! I'm impressed with your speed of reading, I'll bet you'll be through all these by the end of August easily.

    I look forward to seeing what you think of Harvest of Rubies. I LOVED Tessa's first book!

    And I really enjoyed Rita Gerlach's Between Two Rivers!

  4. Diana,

    It's nice to interact with blogger friends who understand the reviewing rush! :)

    That's a great list of books!! Short-Straw Bride is wonderful, and I'm so looking forward to Love's Reckoning (hoping to review it through the Revell blog program in September - *crossing fingers*).

    The volume of books can be overwhelming, but that's great that you're still looking forward to the task at hand! :) Happy reading to you, as well, and thanks for stopping by!


  5. Vince,

    Thanks so much for the book recommendations - those do sound intriguing! I'm especially curious about The Lifetime Reading Plan...

    And thank you for the kind words and the motivational push! Reading is definitely a worthwhile investment. :) I'll have to keep your comments in mind!

    Oh, and don't we all wish for more time to read?? :)


  6. Julia,

    Thank you!! That's so kind of you to say - I really appreciate the encouragement! :)

    I've heard great things about Pearl in the Sand, and I actually have it on my TBR stack... I just haven't gotten around to it yet. *blush* But you should see my review of Harvest of Rubies sometime soon, Lord willing!

    So glad you stopped by! :)


  7. Hi Amber,

    That's quite a list you have! Good to know you devised a strategy to accomplish your reading. Can't wait to read fresh reviews!

  8. Miranda,

    I know - I definitely dream big, and request a lot, LOL! ;) I'm glad you're looking forward to the reviews, though! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!