
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Back to Business - and Maybe Starting a New One

Here I am once again!

I had a lovely time on vacation, emphasis on lovely:

Paulina Falls

Obsidian Flow

View from Mt. Bachelor at Sunset

Delicious Breakfast at the Sunriver Lodge

Crater Lake

Aren't those sights just breathtaking? Yes, even the breakfast! (Seriously, I feel like a lot of my memories this trip include some great food that I ate - from a loaded Kobe burger with candied bacon and some delicious sorbet at a restaurant on Mt. Bachelor, to a barbecue at our rental home complete with fruit salad and some brownies and vanilla bean ice cream. And much more! Good thing we did some biking and hiking along with all that eating...)

But it was more than just beautiful views and great food - I had a fabulous time with family and friends. While sometimes it felt a little stressful with all the goings-on and keeping up with younger cousins, I really made such wonderful memories! I am truly blessed!!

There will probably be some more pictures and vacation stories in the coming days, but before I conclude this post I wanted to address the second part of the title. You see, I'm considering starting my own free-lance editing business - hence the poll in the sidebar. Hopefully I will have more to share on this soon, but it would mean a lot to me as I send out some feelers if you would honestly let me know if you (if you're a writer) or someone you know might consider using the services of a free-lance editor. And it would especially mean a lot to me if you could pray for God's guidance as I test the waters!

If it is God's will, I would love to use my passion for stories, my experience with editing/proofreading, and my education (Bachelor's degree in English) to encourage and assist authors in their writing. We'll see where God leads!

For now, I'm back to blogging - and I look forward to interacting with you all again!


  1. AMBER! I'm so happy you had a great time, dear friend! Thank you for sharing these beautiful (and yummy!) pictures! :) Looking forward to hearing more about your trip!

    And will definitely be praying for you concerning your free-lance editing idea. The Lord has blessed you with so many talents and gifts for His glory, I know He has a great plan for you. May He lead your heart and guide your every step, opening the right doors, shutting the wrong doors, giving you peace no matter what and a clear vision of His will. Continue to seek Him, for the more time we spend with Him the easier it is to hear His voice. :)


    p.s. Thank you so much for that sweet card! It made my day :)

  2. Amber,

    That's neat that you are feeling God's leading in the area of freelance editing. I'll definitely keep my ears open.

    Beautiful pictures!

  3. Hi Amber! So glad to hear that you had such a wonderful vacation! The pictures are amazing, and I can just imagine how stunning these sights were in person! :)

    I think that's great that you're considering free-lance editing! You certainly have the talent for it. :)

    Hope you're having a great week!

  4. Amanda,

    That's so sweet of you! :) I really did have a great time - glad you enjoyed the pictures! Hopefully there will be some more to come! :)

    And thank you, dear friend, for the prayers and the good advice! I'm blessed by your friendship!!


    P.S. I'm glad you liked the card! :)

  5. Julia!

    Thank you so much for the encouragement! I hope to have more to share about that soon. :) So glad you stopped by!


  6. Michelle,

    Definitely stunning! That dinner on Mt. Bachelor and the view of the sunset - quite the experience! :) And there were some many beautiful moments, both in viewing God's creation and spending time with those I love. :)

    Thank you for your kind words and support!! I hope you're having a great week, as well! :)


  7. Hi Amber,

    Totally love your pics, especially the Falls, sunset and breakfast!

    After reading your reviews, I can't deny that you have the talent. So yeah, I'm cheering you on! And praying too.


  8. Miranda,

    I'm glad you like them! Hopefully there will be some more to come from ones my parents took. :)

    And you really made my day with that comment!! Thank you so much for the cheering and the prayers - I appreciate it more than you know! :D


  9. Renee,

    Thank you! I'm grateful I got to see such beautiful sights! :)



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