
Monday, March 19, 2012

Share and Tell

Keeping it short and sweet today with a couple of links I just have to share:
  • If you haven't already heard of my excitement regarding a new YA/fantasy series I discovered not that long ago, head on over to The Borrowed Book blog today for my review of Watercrossing, the yet-to-be-released third book in the "Phantom Island" series! The post includes links to my reviews of the first two books in the series, as well. I'm hoping to host the author here sometime during my spring break (next week), so be on the lookout for some fun "Phantom Island" posts coming your way really soon!!
  • A dear friend of mine just created a blog called Pandora's Papers, where she's selling handmade cards and seasonal gifts. She's super sweet and quite creative! And with spring officially starting tomorrow, there's no time like the present to find a way to share a bit of springtime cheer with those you love.

That's all for now! Hope you all have a great start to the week! And remember, only 3 more days until the midnight showing of The Hunger Games movie!!! *Cheers excitedly*


  1. I just checked out your reviews for the Phantom Island series and they look intriguing! Hopefully I can read them someday. :)

    And your friend's cards are lovely! My aunt takes a card stamping class and regularly sends out her fun creations, which I always look forward to. It's so neat to see the designs people come up with. :)

  2. Christina,

    Thanks so much for checking out these links! I hope you can read the Phantom Island books sometime, as well! I'm contemplating doing a giveaway next week...just as a heads up! :)

    And I agree - it's awesome to see others' creativity, and my friend has made some lovely cards! :) She and I were roommates last school year, and I'm so glad we still get to see a lot of each other since she and her new husband live not too far from the school. :)


  3. I SO can't wait to read the Phantom Island books!

    Your friend's cards ARE really cute and creative!

  4. Bluerose,

    I think you'll really enjoy them! :) Hoping to share some fun "Phantom Island" posts with ya'll next week...!

    Thank you for checking out the links! :)



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