
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Catching Up - And a Blog Award!

Hello, dear friends! I'm so sorry my posts have been rather few and far between recently. Graduation is just around the corner, and I confess I've been rather preoccupied with this, that, and the other thing. But I think there are some good post ideas in my mind somewhere!

I've been doing plenty of reading still, and I'm quite intrigued by this YA/dystopian/fantasy wave that seems to have pulled many readers under - including me! I recently read Divergent by Veronica Roth, and I bought an iTunes audiobook version of Legend by Marie Lu. And let's not forget the fact that I'm caught up in The Hunger Games craze! I bought tickets for the midnight showing almost a month ago, and now it's only a few more days until the movie comes to theaters!! Anybody else planning on seeing the movie?? I might have to dedicate full posts to some of this stuff sooner or later!

Spring break is approaching rapidly (just one more week - thank goodness!), so I'm looking forward to the time off from school that I can spend at home with my family. Then just a month after that until graduation!

Anyway, thank you for your patience with me in the meantime! Hopefully there'll be some more posts coming your way soon! There might not be a regular posting schedule for the time being, but everybody loves surprises, right? So I'll just let you be surprised when you see I've actually posted something again! ;)

But while we're catching up on things right now, I wanted to thank all those who tagged me in recent posts (I'm sorry I didn't end up doing a post for that, but thank you just the same for thinking of me!). And thank you so much to Melanie from Christian Bookshelf Reviews for passing the Helpful Blogger Award on to this blog!

Here are the rules for this award:

1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you in your award post.
2. Post three helpful things you've done.
3. Nominate another three bloggers and tell them you nominated them.

I'm afraid I haven't been very helpful in the blogging world as of late, since I haven't been around all that much! I have been tweeting quite a bit, though - and, as my followers are probably painfully aware, I've been helping with the buzz regarding The Hunger Games movie by retweeting their tweets all the time, LOL! I do hope that my reviews and thoughts here on the blog are helpful and encouraging to others, as well!

There have certainly been a lot of bloggers who have been helpful and so kind to me! Here are three of them:
  1. Renee from Black 'n Gold Girl's Bookspot
  2. Casey from Writing for Christ
  3. Faye from Labor Not in Vain
Thank you to these three ladies and all of my readers for your friendship and support!

Oh, and one last note... I'm sure you've noticed the blog design has changed. It's a bit early, but spring is on its way, so I'm happy for a change of pace. =) I hope the new design reminds you of the simple but wonderful beauty of spring and the hope that we have in the "spring" of humility when we trust in God and His plan for our lives. That's something I especially need to remember right now. It's hard to let go when my dreams and well-laid plans seem to change constantly and nothing feels certain. But the Lord is my Shepherd - I have all the direction and security I need in Him.

So happy early spring, everyone!


  1. Love your new spring look! And congrats on the blog award!

  2. Linda,

    Thank you on both counts!! :)


  3. The new blog design is awesome, Amber.

    Congratulations on your blog award.

  4. Thanks for making time for me in the midst of your busy schedule this weekend! :) And, um yeah, I will be at a HG midnight showing this week too!! ROCK ON.

    Excited for you and your upcoming graduation! I look forward to reading posts about your post-college plans. :)

  5. Keli,

    Thank you! :) I appreciate you stopping by!


  6. Krissi,

    Aww, it really was/is my pleasure!! I'm so thrilled to be one of the first reviewers for Watercrossing - I'm loving this series! Thank you for sharing your inspiring and creative stories with others!

    Yes, ROCK ON indeed!! ;D

    And thank you so much for your kind words! I'm excited to read those posts, too, LOL! ;) I don't know where exactly God's going to lead me next, but I know that He is good and He has a purpose for me. :) So glad I get to share this journey with dear author/blogging friends like you!


  7. I'm so excited for you with graduation quickly approaching!

    I'm glad you're getting into the YA books! You'll help me decide which ones I'd like to read. ;)

    I can't wait to hear how you liked THG movie. I'm planning on watching it, even though I don't think I can handle the books. :P

  8. Bluerose,

    That is so sweet!! Thank you! :)

    Hahaha, I'm enjoying reading more YA books!

    And I can't wait to watch the movie and share my thoughts with you! :D So excited! Just bought the soundtrack on iTunes... *blush* Yep, I'm totally falling for all their marketing ploys, LOL! The movie is rated PG-13, so hopefully it won't be too graphic...


  9. Thank you so much! I guess you'll be headed to the movies tonight! How exciting! I'll be working on the post for this award over the weekend.

    Happy Spring to you, too!

  10. Faye,

    You're very welcome! :) And yes, I went to the movies and had an awesome, intense time! I'm hoping to post a movie review sometime within the next few days... :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!