
Friday, January 6, 2012

My Review of The Rose of Winslow Street (CFBA)

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
The Rose of Winslow Street
Bethany House (January 1, 2012)
Elizabeth Camden


A research librarian and associate professor, Elizabeth Camden has a master’s in history from the University of Virginia and a master’s in library science from Indiana University. She has published several articles for academic publications and is the author of four nonfiction history books. Her ongoing fascination with history and love of literature have led her to write inspirational fiction. Elizabeth lives with her husband in central Florida.


The last thing Libby Sawyer and her father expected upon their return from their summer home was to find strangers inhabiting a house that had been in their family for decades. Widower Michael Dobrescu brought his family from Romania to the town of Colden, Massachusetts with a singular purpose: to claim the house willed to him long ago. Since neither party has any intention of giving up their claim, a fierce legal battle ensues between the two families.

When important documents go missing from the house, Libby suspects Michael is the culprit. Determined to discover the truth behind the stolen papers, Libby investigates, only to find more layers of mystery surrounding Michael and his family. Despite their rivalry, Libby finds herself developing feelings for this man with the mysterious past.

As a decision about the house looms in the courts, Libby must weigh the risks of choosing to remain loyal to her family or give her heart to a man whose intentions and affections are less than certain.

If you would like to read the first chapter of The Rose of Winslow Street, go HERE.




From the synopsis, The Rose of Winslow Street sounds like a story about a pushy man who claims ownership of a house belonging to a rich girl, leading to a battle in court and then happily ever after. But while that may describe some of the bare bones of the book, from the very get-go the plot is much more complex and extraordinary than that!

Michael Dobrescu takes family very seriously, and he'll do anything to provide for his own. But when the path to protecting his family takes him to the house on Winslow Street, it cuts off the professor who labored for years to improve the house - as well as the professor's big-hearted daughter. Emotions run high, secrets run deep, and tension - romantic and otherwise - simmers just below the surface in this well-written, engaging, and very unique historical romance with Romanian flair.

Camden caught my attention with her debut, The Lady of Bolton Hill, but she captured my imagination with The Rose of Winslow Street. Full of resiliency, rejuvenation, and roses, this book has it all - including a difficult-to-top, romantic gift and that happily ever after previously mentioned. Stunning!

*With thanks to Bethany House through CFBA for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*


  1. Beautiful review, Amber. I really loved this book also and thought the story was unique-plus Michael Dobrescu such an interesting character. Whenever he was on the page I held my breath, waiting to see what would happen next! Also, the plot was more unusual than others I've come across and that set it apart in my mind. :)

  2. Amen to what both you and Christina said. Loved this book and adored Michael. He took every scene by storm!

  3. Lovely review! I'm really excited for this one :) The covers on Ms. Camden's books are just gorgeous!
    Thanks Amber!

  4. Christina,

    Thank you! :) I, too, loved this book, and I agree with Michael being such an interesting character and the plot being unusual in a stand-out, good way! This really was such a different, wonderful read. :)


  5. Kav,

    That's for sure! He's rather prickly at first, but always intriguing - and he sure knows how to win a girl over. ;) *sigh*

    Thanks for stopping by!


  6. Thanks, Faye! :)

    I agree about the gorgeous covers - this one especially!! Beautiful!

    I think you'll love this one. Can't wait to see what's up Camden's sleeve next! :)


  7. Hmm. You have definitely piqued my interest. Will have to check out this book!

    The cover alone is enough to get me to buy it! Sounds like the hero is wonderful.


  8. Susan,

    Oh, I think you'd really enjoy it! :) And I agree with you about the cover! I know they say not to judge a book by its cover, but I'm really drawn by covers and enjoy looking at them. ;)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!