
Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Review of The Maid of Fairbourne Hall

Click HERE to read the book description and learn more about the author!




The Maid of Fairbourne Hall is a delight! The story initially plunges the reader into a swift river - and it doesn't take long for the current to change, transforming Miss Margaret Macy into Nora, the maid of Fairbourne Hall. While the pace lessens off and on, the intrigue continues and historical details, as well as some back story, flow expertly throughout the pages.

And let's not forget the romance! When the heroine finds herself in the home of a spurned suitor and a would-be love interest, some sparks are inevitable. The love story is great, complete with some wonderful kissing scenes! Twists and turns, secrets and surprises - all add to the romantic tension that builds steadily and ever so sweetly.

Mixed in with the clever plot and the enjoyable romance is well-written characterization. Margaret learns a lot during her tenure of service, and her growth is quite visible and realistically rendered. Her character really blossoms, and it's beautiful to see her embrace her work and come to understand and truly serve others. The whole book is beautiful!

*With thanks to Bethany House through CFBA for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*


  1. Beautiful review, my friend! It sounds like a great book and I hope to get a copy soon! Gosh, I just love the cover!


  2. Amanda,

    Thank you! :) Oh, I do hope you get a copy soon - I know you'll love it!! The cover is so pretty, both front and back! And the romance!! *sigh* So very sweet. :)


  3. Yaaaay, I knew you'd love it!

  4. Kav,

    You were right! ;) A fabulous book!!


  5. This book sounds great! I've read all Julie's other books and I'm sure this will more than live up to the others!

    Thanks, Amber!

  6. Susan,

    I haven't read Julie's other books yet, but I have a couple in one of my TBR piles. :) I'm sure you'll love this one!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  7. Hey,

    I have been trying to apply to review for CFBA but Bonnie will not e-mail me back. I was wondering if you could help at all, or give me someone to contact. I would love to review for them. Thank you for any help you could give.

  8. Hi Jen!

    Bonnie is a very sweet person, so I don't think she's purposely trying to be rude or anything. But I do know what you mean, as I went through a similar experience before I ended up on the team! I think that Bonnie only adds new bloggers occasionally... It took me a while and some e-mail hounding (off and on) to finally get on board. At this point, my advice would be to not give up (although no need to e-mail her every day/week or anything!), because I really think it's worth the wait, as CFBA has a great system and great books for review. :)

    Not sure if that was super helpful, but I remember asking others about this prior to my getting accepted this last fall... Hope you hear back from Bonnie soon!


  9. Thank you for the information. Its nice to know that it must be semi-normal to take awhile to hear back and such. I have seen the list of books they review and so many of them I want to review. They seem to do a lot with Bethany House and I love there books. I find Bethany House's review program to be more frustrating than anything. I hope that I will be able to be added sometime soonish.

  10. Jen,

    You're welcome! Yeah, I think it is semi-normal (or at least it was for me!). I agree that it's nice to have more opportunities to review Bethany House books. The Bethany House review program isn't overly consistent, although I do love their offerings!

    I hope that you get to join the program soon, as well! It really is hard not to hear back right away because they have so much to offer, but I hope you find it worth the wait, as I did! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!