
Monday, December 5, 2011

Love Finds You With a Spark of Independence

Roseanna White's Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland is lovely inside and out! The book explores the ramifications and meaning of independence, set not long after the American Revolution and U.S. independence from Britain. And, as part of the LFY series, you can bet on some sweet romance to go along with that spark of independence. ;) You can read my review of the book HERE.

Read on to learn more about the author and her book - followed by details on how you can get your hands on a copy!

Amber: What do you love most about writing for the “Love Finds You” series as compared to other books you’ve written?

Roseanna: While setting is always important to me, it takes on new importance in the LFY books. I’m a historical writer, so I have a lot of fun finding what sets a place apart, especially during the time period it’s most known for, and bringing that to life. And I love that within the confines of the Love Finds You vision we have a lot of freedom in determining how and why a story revolves around a place.

Amber: Have you visited the setting of your latest “Love Finds You” book? If so, what was your favorite part of the trip?

Roseanna: I actually went to college in Annapolis, at St. John’s College, which was only a year away from being commissioned at the point of my story and was at the time King William’s School, where my hero and heroine’s brother attended, and where the heroine’s host is a teacher. =)

But though I lived in Annapolis for nearly 6 years, I never played tourist—instead I growled at the tourists who did crazy things like stop without warning in the middle of the sidewalk to take a picture. So naturally, when writing this book a friend and I had a blast playing tourist one Saturday and doing crazy things like stop in the middle of the sidewalk to take pictures. =) It was so much fun to see the town we knew so well through new eyes. And the most fun of all was when we started at the State House and plotted then followed the path Lark (my heroine) would have taken when she’s running away from Emerson (hero) at one particularly exciting part of the story.

Amber: I love that part!! Sounds like you had a blast. =)

Have you learned anything about love and humility while working on your latest “Love Finds You” book th
at you could share with us?

Roseanna: Oh my, this entire book was a big lesson in the Lord’s love for me and my own need for humility. I wrote it in a rush, praying every single time I sat down at my laptop that the Lord would somehow deliver the words I needed. When I finished and sent it to my editor for consideration, I had no idea if it was good enough. I’m usually pretty confident about my work, but with Annapolis I felt completely at a loss. Would this be the book the Lord used to open a door to a big publisher (my two previous novels are small press), or would it be one He used to show me something completely different?

Even after I got The Call, I still looked at this book and said, “Really, Lord? Seriously?? It’s happening???” LOL Every step of this path with Summerside has been a blessing, one that has shown me in funny, amazing ways that the Lord had this in mind all along, all those years I sat hoping and praying over other manuscripts. Do I understand why now, why this book? No—but I trust that it’s all part of His purpose, and amazed at His love for me—and how this manifestation of it didn’t come until I surrendered every last dream and ambition to Him.

Amber: Your trust and humility are inspiring - I think especially to those of us who are still waiting on God's plan and timing regarding our writing. =)

What would a Christmas party in the town and era of your latest “Love Finds You” book look like? (Any details about food, decorations, traditions, etc., would be wonderful!)

Roseanna: Oh, this is an especially fun question because I actually have Christmas in the story! =) Though New England at the time had strict rules about not celebrating Christmas, my characters would have belonged to the Church of England and would have enjoyed traditional English celebrations, all with a New World flavor.

One tradition of the day that most of us have only passing knowledge of is wassailing. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, the poor made up large batches of a milky drink called wassail (which isn’t known for being very tasty, LOL), which they would take around to the rich folk. The wealthy were pretty much obligated to buy this beverage, and did so with the idea that this was equivalent to alms without offending the pride of the less fortunate.

Also during this late Colonial/early Federal era, people often published in the newspaper when they were having parties, and total strangers would show up and expect a meal. Craziness! That came to an end right around the time of my story, LOL.

Decorations would consist of greenery and mistletoe, and the meals were a feast of local delicacies. In Annapolis, they would have enjoyed Maryland ham, a variety of seafood, treats that often featured sugar and fruit imported from the Caribbean . . .

Gifts would have been exchanged, and children especially would be unsurprised by what they received then. Toys, hair ribbons, books, new clothes . . . in Annapolis, my heroine Lark is away from home on Christmas and so very touched when a new friend gives her a leatherbound diary.

Amber: That was a great scene! Thank you for sharing all those tantalizing details, and thank you so much for being with us here today!


Here are the rules for today's giveaway of a copy of Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland! Please read carefully.
  • Leave a comment for Roseanna along with your e-mail address.
  • You must have a U.S. mailing address in order to be eligible for this drawing.
  • All winners this week will be announced on Sunday, December 11, 2011.

But wait - there's more!

Anyone who leaves a comment will also be entered into the Great ANNAPOLIS Giveaway, as well! (Check out the link to see what the prize is - it's fabulous!!) So what are you waiting for? Join in the fun! =)

(St. John's College photo from the school's website. Learn more about Roseanna at her website!)


  1. The cover for 'Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland' is SO gorgeous!!!! I would love to win!!!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. How cool that you went to school in Annapolis! Love the picture of the gift of the leather diary!
    Your right practical gifts used to be given, now TV has so influenced everyone!


  3. After reading Amber's review and seeing this gorgeous cover, I would really love to try it out. RoseAnna looks so happy in this picture with her book--I love it! :)


    (email in profile--and your inbox! ;-)

  4. Melanie, you have no idea how giddy I was when I got my first glimpse of the cover. I think it went something like, "I have a Beautiful Dress cover, honey! Look!! A Beautiful Dress cover!!!! And a pretty sky! And the State House!" LOL

    Maureen, the diary is one of the items in my Great ANNAPOLIS Giveaway, and you can rack up some more entries into that by following the link. =) It's really a fabulous journal--I'm battling the temptation to keep one for myself, mwa ha ha ha.

    Casey, that was definitely a good day. =)

    Thanks so much for the lovely interview, Amber!

  5. Roseanna, My cousin Jean Fisher has raved abt your books and I am so excited to start reading your work... I live in Ohio and will be telling other reader friends abt you!!! God Bless You and your Family Have a Great Christmas!!!
    Karen Goldie

  6. Hi Karen! Okay, I just a warm, squishy feeling inside at Jean's support, and yours too. =) Thanks SO MUCH for stopping by with that encouragement! I hope you enjoy my books!!

  7. I enjoyed reading this interview. I love history, too, so seeing what Christmas traditions were like fascinated me. :)

    Thanks for the opportunity to win this book! :)

    biblioprincess15 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  8. This is a beautiful interview and a lovely blog. Thanks for the post about such a talented author!

  9. I love the fact that you share so much of the history you learn when you are writing. That makes the books even more interesting! I am always amazed at what is "real" and what you added. Some times the "real" doesn't seem like it should be.


  10. I so want to put a scene in a book now where strangers show up to a party--however, that sounds like my worst nightmare, I'm not the best with parties and just imagining strangers coming to mine, and to have invited them!

    And you do have a great dress cover.

    rmjagears AT gmail DOT com

  11. I love the LFY series thanks for chance to win a book. Beautiful cover

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  12. I soooo should have lived centuries ago I absolutely love that dress and could picture myself in something like that...but I probably wouldn't last more two seconds in stays LOL! Hmmm on second thought maybe it's a good thing I live in the 21st century. :-P I STILL haven't read any of Roseanna's books but I'd so love to start with this one!

    Thanks Amber and Roseanna!

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  13. Annapolis is one of my fav places to visit. Such rich history there, and the architecture is unique also. The cover on your book is lovely, and I enjoyed the interview.

    Chicago, IL

  14. Great interview Roseanna! Loved learning about your book and early Christmas traditions!

    Have a fun week Amber! :)

  15. Roseanna,

    Thank you so much for coming here to my blog and helping us celebrate the "Love Finds You" series and the Christmas season! :)


  16. Everyone,

    I appreciate all of your comments, and I hope you enjoyed the interview! I've got a busy week ahead of me (last week of classes - so lots of papers and such to finish!), but I'll check in from time to time - and I still love to read your comments! :)


  17. Ohh, fun interview Amber! :-)

    Hey Roseanna! It's so awesome to see you on here, and to hear that your LFY book is part of the prize giveaway. Too cool!

    Okay, not sure if we are supposed to ask questions...but I just gotta ask! (lol!) What are you working on right now, Roseanna? Will it be a biblical, or no? (I jus LOVE your two biblical fictions!!!!)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  18. I love the tradition of wassailing! What a great way to help those less fortunate and salvage their pride at the same time. Thanks for sharing that, Roseanna!

    Please answer Katie's question and tell us what we can expect from you next..and when :)

    Amber, your blog is beautiful! Love the scrappy Christmas design :)


  19. Wow, 18 comments already today! Better than me lol...kudos, Amber

    Hi Roseanna : ) What a great interview! Thanks so much for stopping by today. Love history and New England Christmases are the best ; ) I live in Vermont lol so that's what I think :P I am still yet to read a LFY book surprisingly, but they all sound so good! Would love to have a chance to read it : )
    Thanks again!

  20. Thanks for dropping by, everyone!

    Isn't learning fun historical traditions just a blast? I can't imagine strangers showing up to a party at my home, gotta say, LOL. I'll leave that story to you, Melissa. ;-)

    And Renee, I know just what you mean--I always think I'd do so well living in previous centuries with their beautiful dresses . . . then I consider how much I love my indoor bathroom with hot water and decide God knew what he was doing when he put me here and now. =)

    Thanks for the comments on the beautiful cover! And Lyn, Annapolis remains one of my favorite spots too. I cant' think of the city without "picturesque" coming to mind.

  21. Okay, Katie and Anne and whoever else in curious. =) I have some more biblical ideas, but they're not written yet . . . and my next-writing year has been booked solid by a couple totally awesome publishing houses whose names I can't disclose because I haven't yet signed the contracts, LOL.

    But at any rate, the next book from me will release in a year and a few odd days, on 1/1/13, and is my Rev. War spy romance. Tons of fun. =) Six months later will be its sequel, with the third coming out Jan 14. Plus in there I'll have a historical set in 1861 Savannah, which is what I'm writing now. Busy days!

  22. Wow, what an interesting historical tradition, the wassailing. It actually sounds sorta funny. I have heard so many good things about the book :)

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

    I live in the US :)

  23. This book seems very interesting. I would like a copy

    Alicia from NYC

  24. Delightful interview! Wonderful book!

  25. This book looks so good! I absolutely love the LFY Series!!


  26. This book sounds so the LFY series. Please enter me.

  27. Historical fiction is my favorite genre, and your book looks fabulous! The brother-sister relationship looks neat too, because I love sibling dynamics. :)
    I also don't blame you for wanting to keep that leather bound journal. That's the first thing that drew me into the prize package! lol!

  28. Fun interview! Those Christmas traditions are... interesting:-) I would enjoy reading this book and would love to win a copy of it. Please enter me in this giveaway!


  29. Wonderful interview ladies...and Roseanna I Love Love the cover of your book! It's....well it just really makes you want to read it!!

  30. Oo, I love the cover of this one!!!

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)


  31. Great interview! I haven't read any of Roseanna's books, but I would love to start! Thanks for the chance to win!

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  32. I want to read this book so bad! I'm partial to MD because I was born there. Never been to Anapolis though. Great interview!


  33. I like the LFY books and this one sounds interesting. Had it on my wish list since I saw it:) I love the history that is involved in these books! Thanks for the fun giveaway!


  34. Hi Roseanna and Amber. I love the LFY stories and am looking forward read LFY In Annapolis, Maryland. I read A Stray Drop of Blook and it was awesome.
    I enjoy reading books that include our history so using actual towns etc, I am learning about American history. Roseanna, do you plan to write more LFY books?? I hope so.
    Thanks for the great interview.

    USA and Georgia is my Great State.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  35. Agghhh, comments got away from me again, LOL. I was out visiting a couple really cute kittens that will be joining our family on Christmas morning, then busy with home school activities. =) Time to catch up!

    Faye, it's great to see you here! Isn't wassailing interesting? I couldn't pass up including a mention or two of it in ANNAPOLIS. =)

    Good luck in the drawing, Ali!

    Carla's a member of my Colonial group, so she has some insider information--and some upcoming books of her own that I can't wait to read!

    Marissa, isn't the LFY series fun? When their very first two titles arrived in the mail, I flipped those books over and over in my hands, immediately jumped online to look up Summerside, and was emailing the editor within the week. =) Took us two years to hit on the right story for their line, but they (thankfully!) asked for more when the first idea didn't pan out for them, so here we are. =)

    Jessica, I had so much fun with my heroine's brother, Wiley. He's great. And oh, I'm such a sucker for journals, LOL. Glad to know I'm not the only one so drawn in by it. ;-)

    Hi Aizess--and aren't you glad random folks don't show up at your house? ;-)

    Joy, I love hearing that! Exactly what I hoped the cover would achieve. =) (My mom took the liberty of turning it face-out in a store yesterday so everyone could see that beautiful cover instead of the spine, LOL.) Which, hey, covers Ariel's comment too. ;-)

    Michelle, I would happily welcome you to the small world of Roseanna's Readers. ;-) Ever-growing, but thus far we're a close-knit bunch, LOL.

    Chuckling at your comment, Gwen--you're becoming a familiar face/name! Your excitement makes me root for ya. ;-)

    Phew, almost done, LOL.

    Charity, I totally agree that the history is fun. =)

    And hello, Miss Kallie! I do indeed plan to write more LFY books. Working on one now, and have a few others I plan to pitch down the road. =)

  36. You said: Isn't learning fun historical traditions just a blast

    Yes, it's better than in a history book. I adore the cover of your book. It caught my eye first and then I saw the author. I jumped for joy. I loved your book A Stray Drop of Blood. I'd love to see what you do with a Love Finds you book. This one sounds good!

    Nora St.Laurent
    norafindinghope (@)

  37. I have been excited for this novel since Roseanna first began talking about it on her blog! The cover is gorgeous and the story just sounds so interesting. Thanks for the great interview and a chance to win the book :)


  38. WOW, I just about missed this one, and it's another one I've been wanting.

    wfnren at aol dot com

  39. Sounds like a great book. I haven't read any of the LFY series so will definately need to start checking them out.


  40. Would love to read this. I like finding new authors to read. Thanks for the giveaway! Gloria

    geschumann at live dot com

  41. Roseanna,

    Thank you for taking the time to interact with my readers and visitors! :) So fun to host you this week!


  42. amber...thanks for hosting roseanna.

    roseanna...another fabulous interview/posting...looking forward to reading this're the best =)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  43. I have fallen in love with the LFY books, it is like traveling from my cozy reading chair to terrific destinations and time periods. Please add me to the drawing, I'd love to visit Annapolis, MD.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  44. The cover is beautiful! I've never read anything by Roseanna, but her books look great!
    BTW, Amber, your LFY party looks like you've been having a blast!

    God bless!


  45. Roseanna,
    My favorite, Historical Fiction!! Yes! I love that you were a "sixth year" first time tourist because you would know all the sites to go and see!
    That leather bound journal would make a great prize! Really nice. I have just read two Summerside books: From This Day Forward by Margaret Daley; and, The Wedding Kiss by Hannah Alexander. Both were great books and I look forward to having the chance to have a copy of your book.
    United States

  46. Roseanna - i'm taking every chance i can to try and win this book! i loved learning about wassailing. How cool. Thanks for sharing


  47. Hello again, Nora! And Kathryn and Wfnren, Karen and Merry--that's the kind of excitement I love to see. =)

    Debbie, I know you'll enjoy taking a peek at the LFY series--there's really something within it for all tastes!

    Gloria, we new authors love to find eager new readers, too--win, win! ;-) Thanks for stopping by!

    Thanks, Elyssa! And Amber has really put together a fabulous party, hasn't she?

    Lane Hill House, that was a definite plus--we knew the city well enough to know which alleys and houses I needed to check out, and which could be avoided. =)

    Happy to share some of the mountain of historical trivia in my brain, Marianne! LOL

  48. Annapolis, not too far from my old stomping grounds as a little girl. Was born outside of D.C. in PG County. :) Roseanna, I can relate to the living there and not playing tourist. I was the same way with my first series. Spent 25 years living in Delaware and didn't become a tourist until I sold my first book, then HAD to do the research. LOVED the facts I discovered and regretted not doing it earlier.

    tiff [at] amberstockton [dot] com

  49. A belated hello, Ms. Roseanna! I really enjoyed this interview and more detail about your "LFY" title. I first saw this book featured on the "Colonial Quills" blog and hopefully I'll be able to get in soon.

    Thanks for the chance to win!


  50. Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland sounds wonderful. I just love the LFY books.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  51. This book looks interesting. I would enjoy winning a copy.

  52. I love the details of the Christmas party. :) Just wondering... how can a milky drink not be tasty?!

    Please don't enter me into this giveaway as I don't have a US mailing address.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!