
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Love Finds You in the Simple Pleasures

Miralee is no stranger to Seasons of Humility - she was also a guest at the first "Love Finds You" blog party last year in 2010! Back then you readers got to ask Miralee your questions. (You can read that post HERE.) Today, I have a few questions of my own that Miralee has kindly answered! And keep reading to learn more about the giveaway, as well!

Amber: What do you love most about writing for the “Love Finds You” series as compared to other books you’ve written?

Miralee: Because the LFY books are set in real locations, it’s important the reader is able to visualize the setting, so I’d have to say, researching and depicting the setting. I love traveling to the places I write about (when possible) and helping the reader not only see the area in their mind, but get a glimpse into the past, as all mine are historical.

Amber: Have you visited the setting of your latest “Love Finds You” book? If not, what most intrigues you about the place – and would you want to visit there in the future?

Miralee: I’ve gotten to visit three of the four locations for my books, but didn’t have a chance to with Sundance, WY. The book was contracted at the last minute, after they had an unexpected opening, and I had three weeks to finalize and turn in the contract, so no time to visit Sundance. I did do a lot of research about the area and the history, and would love to visit there someday—especially since anything Western fascinates me, and that was the hangout for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid!

Amber: I completely understand - anything Western fascinates me, too! Sundance sounds like an intriguing setting!

Have you learned anything about love and humility while working on your latest “Love Finds You” book that you could share with us?

Miralee: That’s actually a theme I try to weave into many of my books. My hero, Travis, had to learn a lesson about humility when he hired a ‘man’ as a varmint tracker/hunter and found out she was a woman. He made a snap judgment, as he was convinced a woman could never do a man’s job. Writing themes like this causes the author to often have to check their own heart, and I do find myself considering whether I judge people unfairly at times, and thinking about the acceptance and love we all have in Christ.

Amber: What would a Christmas party in the town and era of your latest “Love Finds You” book look like? (Any details about food, decorations, traditions, etc., would be wonderful!)

Miralee: It would be simple, as the people are all hard-working ranchers, store owners, etc., in an area and era where life was hard and ‘extras’ were few, but the emphasis would’ve been on family. There would have been a church service on Christmas eve at the church, with lots of singing, a peppermint stick for the children, and enough hugs and love to fill everyone’s heart. On Christmas morning simple, handmade gifts would appear under the tree (decorated with handmade items), and a meal would be shared, often with neighbors if they didn’t live too far away. Venison or possibly wild turkey or a slab of beef would be roasted, pies and cookies baked, along with vegetables that had been canned in the fall. Houses probably weren’t decorated, but family and faith were celebrated, with the focus on Jesus’ birth.

Amber: Sign me up - sounds like a sweet Christmas celebration! Thank you for helping us celebrate the holiday season and the LFY series today!


Here are the rules for today's giveaway of a signed copy of Love Finds You in Sundance, Wyoming! Please read carefully.
  • Leave a comment for Miralee along with your e-mail address.
  • You must have a U.S. mailing address in order to be eligible for this drawing.
  • All winners this week will be announced on Sunday, December 11, 2011.
(Sundance pictures from the The City of Sundance, Wyoming website. Learn more about Miralee at her website!)


  1. I enjoyed this interview, Miralee and Amber!

    I love westerns, too, so thanks so much for a chance to win!

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  2. I would love to read LFY in Sundance, Wyoming!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. I love westerns especially ones with strong heroines.

  4. This book looks good! Thanks for this opportunity!


  5. Great interview! Please include me in the giveaway. How fun this party is! :-)

    LFY in Sundance, Wyoming sounds like a really fun read. I love the cover!!


  6. I enjoyed reading the interview too! I've recently discovered I really like Westerns, and I've always loved the classic misunderstanding between two characters that you just know is going to work out. This book sounds good! :-)

  7. Miralee how fun to be able to travel to these destinations...Hope you can make Sundance WY sometime.


  8. Thanks for stopping by and reading my interview, gals! It's so nice to meet readers who enjoy reading westerns, since I have so much fun writing them. Amber has done an awesome job on this party, huh! I wish you could all win a book, but if you don't, I hope you'll consider finding a copy of your own. You won't be sorry!

    Hugs and blessings,

  9. This is so fabulous, Amber. I'm so glad I stumbled upon the party. :) :)

    Miralee, I love your name and the cover of your book! Great interview!

  10. Wonderful interview :)

    Ms. Ferrell, I love westerns, especially ones in Wyoming :) I love the simple, yet majestic beauty of the state and I hope you get to visit soon! The story sounds great :)

    Thanks Amber and Ms. Ferrell for the interview, and lovely pictures of Wyoming :)

    I live in the US.

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  11. It's nice to see westerns and cowboys regain popularity. I think the setting alone lends itself to romance. Then add a strong female into the mix and I'd say you have a winner on your hands. Great interview!

    Chicago IL

  12. Miralee, I hope you get a chance to visit Sundance one day! Sounds like a wonderful book!


  13. Did I give my state in my last comment in the previous post? I don't remember...well you do know where I live. ;)

    The LFY series has certainly gotten some great covers lately and I've read sevearl of Miralee's books and enjoyed them!

    (email in my profile)


  14. Thanks for the giveaway ladies. And I would love to have a copy of LFY in Sundance, Wy to give as a gift to my friend!

  15. Westerns are one of my favorite type of books! Please enter me in this giveaway!

    Fun interview!

  16. Hi Miralee and Amber, I loved the interview and I love LFY stories. Miralee, Do you plan to write any more of the LFY books?

    Thanks for the opportunity to enter giveaway.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  17. Thanks so much for the great interview! I personally love Miralee's books and have enjoyed every one she has written:) Don't have this one yet so I would love to be included in the giveaway! Thanks so much!

    I would love to visit Sundance as well:)


  18. My daughter walked in to tell me something before going to bed and I forgot to add the Great State of Georgia is where I live in the USA.

    Thanks Amber

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  19. Miralee,

    So sorry I didn't leave a comment yet! It's been a pleasure to host you again. :) And thank you for the kind words about the party (and for agreeing to help spread the word - I really appreciate it!).

    Looks like we have a lot of Western fans here!


  20. Everyone,

    Thank you so much for stopping by and entering the drawing! Glad to meet some more Western and LFY fans. :) And glad to see some familiar faces here, too!!

    Enjoy the party!! Another interview to be posted at Midnight... :D


  21. Thanks for the chance to read this great sounding book! Have really enjoyed other books by Mirralee.
    Love the LFY series. I live in GA.

  22. To answer a couple of questions (sorry I can't reply to each of you individually but I've been battling an ear infection and headache)....
    I don't have any more LFY scheduled at this time. I do have four in print at the moment, with Sundance being my most recent. I'm under contract for a 3 book historical series set in Oregon, with Cook Publishing, to release beginning 2013, so that's my writing focus at the moment. I'd love to return to the LFY line someday, and also have another series of Westerns I started writing that I hope will find a home when I finish the current series I'm writing.

    I've so enjoyed reading the comments, especially from you Western lovers and those of you who've already read some of my other books. Thank you so much for stopping by!


  23. Would love to have this book in my hands right now!

    wfnren at aol dot com

  24. Wyoming is such a beautiful state--I don't know that I have visited Sundance, but loved many of the other areas. Your book sounds like a great winter read.

  25. I like reading a Western setting. Thanks for the interview & giveaway! Gloria

    geschumann at live dot com

  26. LFY in Sundance, WY sounds like a fun read with a spunky woman of the west.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  27. An unexpected opening was expected for you!!
    Miralee, I have not read any Love Finds You books and would like to because I enjoy Historical Fiction. I appreciate all the research the author does in preparation.
    United States

  28. i love reading about mistaken identity, specially when a man is really a woman. This sounds great. Thanks for the post and giveaway!


  29. Ms, Gunn, I've been reading your books since I was 13 years old. (I'm now 20) I own every book in the Christy Miller series including the college series. They helped me so much growing up, it was like having a role modle to grow up with! She made me realize how important it is to wait for your "Todd".

  30. I own several of the Love Finds You books. I love westerns so this is a double goody for me. I can't wait to loose myself in this book. Thanks for the giveaway.

    Patricia aka Mamaw

    plb1050 at gmail dot com

  31. Miralee! A new client for me. :) And a fantastic book too. I have a series set in Wyoming being pitched to Harvest House, and now that I live in Colorado, I *can* go visit. Might have to drop in on Sundance too. :)

    tiff [at] amberstockton [dot] com

  32. I so love the Love Finds You books. Would love to win a copy of Miralee's book.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  33. I would Really appreciate winning a copy. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  34. I'm trying to read as many Love Finds You books as I can because I'm currently pitching one of my own - Love Finds You in Embarrass, Minnesota. I love the location you selected!

  35. I would LOVE to win. I love her books.

  36. would love to read this great novel...thanks for the chance :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  37. Wow! Thanks for all the great comments, everyone! I'm away for a day and come back to so many more. Tiffany, can't wait to see my new web site, I'll have to invite everyone over when it's done to celebrate...maybe a book or two given away!

    Bonnie, I'm so tickled to hear you enjoy my books, thank you!

    Sherrie, good luck on your desire to write a LFY novel, that's awesome!!

    Cindy and Patricia, I love meeting people who enjoy the LFY series. You're what keep the publishers buying new titles.

    Charity & Jackie, you mentioned you've read some of my books. Many readers are saying this is my best yet, and I have to agree.

    Thank you all for stopping by. I wish you could all win a copy!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!