
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Review of There You'll Find Me

Here's a description of the book from the author's website:

"Finley Sinclair is not your typical eighteen year old. She’s witty, tough, and driven. With an upcoming audition at the Manhattan music conservatory, Finley needs to compose her audition piece. But her creativity disappeared with the death of her older brother.

She decides to travel to Ireland following his travel journal. It’s the place he felt most alive – and she desperately needs to feel alive again. So she agrees to an exchange program and boards the plane. Beckett Rush, teen heartthrob and Hollywood bad boy, is flying to Ireland to finish filming his latest vampire movie. On the flight, he meets Finley. She’s the one girl who seems immune to his charm. Undeterred, Beckett convinces her to be his assistant in exchange for his help as a tour guide.

Once in Ireland, Finley starts to break down – the loss of her brother and the pressure of school, her audition, and whatever it is that is happening between her and Beckett, leads her to new – and dangerous – vices.

Then she comes across something that changes her perspective irrevocably. Is it enough to convince her that everything she’s been looking for has been with her all along?"

My Rating: Summer

My Review:

Wow!! The charm of Ireland, the angst of young adulthood, and the beautiful craziness of life come together to make this an engaging, moving read! Jenny B. Jones has a winning and creative writing style that somehow combines humor and sincerity in a way that keeps the pages turning and the journey going. And this is one journey that I'm so very glad I took!

There You'll Find Me features quite a cast of quirky characters, many of whom charm the reader's heart despite their unique first impressions. Even though the hero seems a bit too good to be true and the mean girl seems a bit too awful to stand, the story is wonderfully told. It's heartbreaking to witness the events unfold, and yet there's enough sweet surprises and fun scenes to make it an ultimately enjoyable read.

This novel comes disguised as a diversionary YA book, but in reality it digs deep and refuses to shy away from painful questions and situations. Brimming with emotion and overflowing with hope, this book stole my heart. Is there a list for new Jenny B. Jones fans? Because if there is, well...there you'll find me.

*With thanks to Thomas Nelson Publishing through the Booksneeze program for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*


  1. Thanks, Amber. I appreciate the review!

  2. Oh, this one is sitting on my shelf torturing me! I can't wait to read it. Great review :)

  3. Great review, Amber :) Mine will be up soon, too.

  4. Jenny,

    No problem! It's really my pleasure - I was absolutely enchanted by the book. :) Thank you for writing it!!


  5. Faye,

    I hope you get to read it soon - I loved it so much!! I started it on the way home for Thanksgiving, and finished it on Thanksgiving after dinner. :) So good - reminds me of how thankful I am for moving/inspiring books!


  6. Rel,

    Thank you! Loved the pictures with the character spotlight the other day. :) Weren't the characters just wonderful??


  7. I love anything written by Jenny B. Jones! This one was so good. Great review Amber. Love the holiday decorations also!

  8. Ohh, I have this in my TBR pile right now! I'm not sure when I will be able to get to it, but I hope to soon. Especially after your positive review. I've heard lots of good things about it!

    Can't wait!

  9. Julie,

    I've heard such great things about her books, and now I can see what all the hype is about! :) Loved this book!!

    And thank you for the kind words about my review and the blog design. :)


  10. Katie,

    Hopefully soon - I'm glad I fit it in to my Thanksgiving break! :) Generally those poor books that don't have a scheduled review time get pushed farther and farther back, but I'm so happy I finally got around to this one!

    Happy reading! :)


  11. I LOVED Save the Date, and I hated that I had to pass on this one when it came up. I just had too much going at the time. I adore Jenny's writing style, though!

  12. Bluerose,

    I've heard such great things about Save the Date! :) I'm definitely hooked now on Jenny's writing style, as well!

    I thought this book was just marvelous, and I think you would love it, too! I hope you get to read it!!


  13. I've been really wanting to read this book! Lovely review! :-)

  14. Jessica,

    Oh, I hope you get to read it soon! It really is such a moving book that pulls you right into the story. :)

    And thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed the review! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!