
Monday, November 28, 2011

My Review of The Harvest of Grace

Here's a description of the book from Waterbrook Multnomah:

"Reeling from an unexpected betrayal, can Sylvia find relief from the echoes of her past…or will they shape her future forever?

Although Sylvia Fisher recognizes that most Old Order Amish women her age spend their hours managing a household and raising babies, she has just one focus—tending and nurturing the herd on her family’s dairy farm. But when a dangerous connection with an old beau forces her to move far from home, she decides to concentrate on a new start and pour her energy into reviving another family’s debt-ridden farm.

After months in rehab, Aaron Blank returns home to sell his Daed’s failing farm and move his parents into an easier lifestyle. Two things stand in his way: the father who stubbornly refuses to recognize that Aaron has changed and the determined new farmhand his parents love like a daughter. Her influence on Aaron’s parents could ruin his plans to escape the burdens of farming and build a new life.

Can Aaron and Sylvia find common ground? Or will their unflinching efforts toward opposite goals blur the bigger picture— a path to forgiveness, glimpses of grace, and the promise of love."

My Rating: Spring/Summer

My Review:

The "Ada's House" series features some powerful stories full of healing and hope and love. The Harvest of Grace is a wonderful, fitting conclusion to the Amish trilogy. While Woodsmall catches all readers up-to-date at the beginning of this book (making it possible to read this novel as a stand-alone if desired), the series really shines as a whole - with all three books coming together to look at the gem of God's love and the love between people from various angles.

Sylvia is a new character introduced in this book - a stubborn farmer determined to escape her past and prove herself by saving the Blanks' farm where she now works. Aaron is a familiar face, but in this installment the reader gets a closer look at his motivations, including his desire for acceptance. Both are hurting souls that are seeking a harvest of grace.

Other familiar friends from The Hope of Refuge (Book 1) and The Bridge of Peace (Book 2) share the spotlight in this gentle story full of flawed characters and raw pain. The romance is sweet and the lessons on honest, forgiving love are even sweeter. Woodsmall has done it again!

*With thanks to Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

Would you consider ranking my review? Thank you!


  1. Teehee -- love that you loved it. I really The whole series is such a wonder. Definitely one to savor. I really liked Sylvia's unorthodox interests. That put a whole new spin on a traditional Amish tale.

  2. Great review! I enjoy Cindy's books as well...haven't read this one though.

  3. Hey, you finally got to it! :) I really liked this book. One of my favorites by Cindy. :)

  4. Cindy is definitely my favorite Amish Fiction author. I got to meet her a few months ago too!

  5. Yay! You finally got to read it :D
    Great review, and I totally agree about reading it as a stand alone, I read it without reading the other 2, and it was just fine:)

  6. Kav,

    Thanks - I'm glad I enjoyed it, too! ;) I agree that it's a wonderful series! Cindy Woodsmall's books are so unique and well-written. :)


  7. Linda,

    Thank you! :) Have you read the other 2 in this series? I recommend all 3 of them! I've also read When the Soul Mends, which was really good! (I probably should have read that whole series, but even the conclusion alone was great!)


  8. Casey,

    Hahaha, yep! ;) I've had this on my TBR pile for a while, but I'm glad I finally read it!


  9. MJ,

    That's awesome!! :) Of the Amish fiction authors, I really like Cindy's work, as well as Kelly Long, Suzanne Woods Fisher, and Tricia Goyer's new series. :)


  10. Faye,

    Yep, yep - and I really enjoyed it! :) Glad to hear that you agree on that, as I didn't read it as a standalone but I figured someone could from the way Cindy set it up. :) I think you'd enjoy the other 2 books in the series, too!



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