
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Women of Faith Conference: Here I Come!

Tomorrow my mom and I will be heading up to Portland bright and early for the Women of Faith Conference! It was an honor to receive two free tickets in exchange for blogging about my experiences - and I'm sure I'll have plenty of those to share with you next week!

I just love that I can attend a Women of Faith Conference with some absolutely dear women of faith - my mom, our own blogging buddy Casey, and Casey's mom. I know we'll have a blast!! I've never been to one of these conferences before, but I've heard some good things about them. In the coming days be looking for my first-timer thoughts, as well as what I've learned and what's blessed me. =)

Hope you all have an amazing, faith-filled weekend!


  1. SEE YOU TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. AAAAHHHHH! So exciting!! :D Can't wait to see you again and catch up on all the news!!


  3. Ugh...JEALOUS! LOL! I remember getting the email about this and wishing that there was someone to go with. I didn't want to go by myself so I passed. I hope you have fun!

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. Renee,

    Aw, I want to take you with me!! It would be so awesome to meet you in person - you've been such a sweet friend to me! :)

    Thanks for stopping by!


  5. Have a GREAT time. I got my tickets yesterday! I wish my mom was close enough to take! I'm currently looking for someone to go with me. Sigh! Enjoy your time, I know you will have many blessings this weekend!

  6. Julie,

    Thanks so much! :) My mom and I are a little overwhelmed by what we've heard of the size of the event, but overall I'm excited - especially because I'll be with my mom and Casey (and her mom)! I hope you find someone dear to go with you and that you have a wonderful time, too! When is your Women of Faith Conference?


  7. I was going to take my oldest daughter but she can't get away to come that weekend. Sads! I'm sure there is someone in my church that will go with me. And yes, the size of the event is very overwhelming(especially for me who does not like crowds!). I attend in OKC on November 11th and 12th. My younger daughter said she would go with me. She is 19, but I know it isn't her "thing" so I thought I would try to find someone else to go in her place. But she may just have to suck it up and go with her old mom! LOL! Have a great time!! Looking forward to your posts!

  8. Have fun at the conference Amber and Casey! I'm going next month and taking Julia from Dark Glass Ponderings.

  9. Julie,

    The conference was wonderful!!! Maybe your 19-year-old daughter would like it - but I hope whoever goes with you that you both have an awesome time, as well! :)

    Post(s) to come this next week sometime (hopefully)!


  10. Joy,

    Oh, that's great!! Julia is so sweet. :) How fun that Casey and I got to go and that you and Julia get to go!! It really was moving/inspiring! And it was great to see Casey and her mom again. :)



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