
Monday, October 10, 2011

Revell Blog Tour: The Measure of Katie Calloway

Here's a description of the book from Revell:

"Her heart seeks sanctuary in the deep woods. But will trouble find her even here?

The Civil War has ended, but in Katie Calloway's Georgia home, conflict still rages. To protect herself and her young brother from her violent and unstable husband, she flees north, finding anonymity and sanctuary as the cook in a north woods lumber camp. The camp owner, Robert Foster, wonders if the lovely woman he's hired has the grit to survive the never-ending work and harsh conditions of a remote pine forest in winter. Katie wonders if she can keep her past a secret from a man she is slowly growing to love.

With grace and skill, Serena Miller brings to life a bygone era. From the ethereal, snowy forest and the rowdy shanty boys to the warm cookstove and mouth-watering apple pie, every detail is perfectly rendered, transporting you to a time of danger and romance."

My Rating: Spring/Summer

My Review:

Serena Miller caught my attention with her first book, Love Finds You in Sugarcreek, Ohio. She created a unique story full of wonderful and interesting characters. It is my great pleasure to pass on the word that her new historical romance, The Measure of Katie Calloway, is another winner!

I am in complete and utter agreement with the last couple of lines of the back cover description. Miller writes with such delightful detail, which is one of the best parts of this book. The post-Civil War Michigan lumber camp comes to life in a very vivid sort of way - both calming in its seclusion and natural beauty, as well as intense in its difficulties and pain.

And Miller showcases another intriguing cast of characters! While Katie Calloway takes the spotlight with all that she learns and in all the ways that she grows, there are also some lovable, frustrating, and deep secondary characters. Like in her first novel, the hero is a mysterious, brooding sort who turns out to be quite a loveable guy!

The Measure of Katie Calloway is a well-rounded and well-worded historical romance - just the ticket for these longer fall nights!

*With thanks to Revell Publishing for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

“Available October 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”

Want to read my review of Love Finds You in Sugarcreek, Ohio? Click HERE!


  1. Oooooohhhh, I just finished reading this one too! What a treat! Don't want to say too much because I still have to write my review. :-)

  2. Hi Amber, So happy you enjoyed Serena's newest:) I loved the historical detail, too, and the setting which is unique to the CBA. As always, your great reviews bring me running! Praying college life is going very well for you!

  3. I really liked this one too! My review goes up later today :)

  4. Kav,

    I agree - definitely a treat! Sounds like you enjoyed it, too! Looking forward to reading your review. :)


  5. Laura,

    Oh, yes - for sure! :) And I just loved the setting! Not to be blabbing all over the Internet or anything, but part of the manuscript I'm working on now is set in a mill town in California, and I find lumber history in our area (especially with those redwoods!) just fascinating!

    Anyway, thank you so much for your kind words, and for taking the time to stop by! Your encouragement means so much to me. :)


  6. Faye,

    I just read your review! :) So glad you enjoyed the book! And I know I said it on your blog, but I'll say it here, too - happy birthday!!! :D


  7. Wonderful review, Amber! I'm reading this one now -- review goes up on Saturday. : ) I'm really enjoying it so far!

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. : )

    I've been super busy with substitute teaching and family activities, I haven't had much internet time, but it's so nice to finally get a chance to visit your blog. I've missed it! Hope all is going well with you.


  8. Michelle,

    Aww, thank you! Glad you're enjoying the book so far - I think you'll love the whole thing once you're done. :)

    Sounds like you've been busy with some really great things! I appreciate you taking the time to stop by here, as well! :) It's really good to see you in the blogosphere!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!