
Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Review of Out of Control

Here's a description of the book from Bethany House:

"Rafe Kincaid controls everything in his life... until he meets Julia.

Julia Gilliland has always been interested in the natural world around her. She particularly enjoys studying the fossils and formations in the magnificent cave near her father's house. The cave seems plenty safe--until the day a mysterious intruder steals the rope she uses to climb out.

Rafe Kincaid is a man used to being in control--of himself, his brothers, and his family's ranch. The last thing he expects is to find a woman trapped in the cavern on his land--or to be forced to kiss her!

Rafe is more intrigued by Julia than any woman he's ever known. But when their developing relationship threatens a reconciliation with his brothers, will Rafe have to choose between his family and this new love that could heal his troubled heart and secure his happiness?"

My Rating: Fall/Spring

My Review:

Mary Connealy is the queen of sassy, stubborn heroines and protective, equally stubborn heroes - which makes her books just plain fun to read! Romantic tension abounds and is often "out of control" when it comes to Rafe and Julia. But it's not just the sparks that are "out of control," because Connealy throws a hidden family, quirky brothers, and fossil-hunting into the mix. Not to mention a really creepy villain and constant misunderstandings between the hero and heroine... You just have to approach a Connealy book with the expectation that if things aren't "out of control" by the end of the first chapter, you're probably not reading a Connealy book!

For entertainment value and a book that's difficult to put down, Out of Control is the image on the "Wanted" poster - and your reward for that discovery is paid in fast-paced chapters and humorous scenes. The emphasis on the hot and cold imagery (especially for Rafe) is neat, as is the cavernous setting (where Julia get's so easily side-tracked, much to Rafe's chagrin!). As far as depth, however, I was left with more uncertainty than inspiration. Perhaps there was a bit too much that seemed "out of control," with little solid foundation left for pervading meaning amid all the hullabaloo.

All in all, though, if you're looking for a smile and a laugh you should have no problems finding it in the caves in Out of Control. The book is one fun and crazy ride!

*With thanks to Bethany House Publishers for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

Book Trailer:


  1. This book does sound like a lot of fun! The hero being forced to kiss the heroine - different and interesting! Great review :-)

  2. Gwendolyn,

    Yep, for sure! ;) Glad you enjoyed the review!


  3. Great review, Amber! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. : )

  4. Michelle,

    Thank you - and you're welcome! :)


  5. I agree with your review. I loved this book! The cover is pretty wonderful too.

  6. Pam K.,

    Glad you agree! :) Connealy's books are very fun to read, and this cover is really neat (I love covers with raised title/author, where you can feel the words, if that makes sense!). I'm especially partial to this book's trailer - great music and everything! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!