
Friday, October 28, 2011

Fall Friday: More Fun to Come!

Despite the fact that fall is just flying by like a leaf on the wind, there's still some fall fun in store in the blogosphere! Here's a peek at some upcoming attractions:

Book Swap!

Only two more Contentment Reading Challenge update posts left! We've had two book swaps this year, and I've enjoyed hearing the positive responses to these events. So how 'bout one more go-around? Stop by on Wednesday (November 2nd) next week for another book swap! Start preparing your lists - one for books you're willing to swap and another one for books you're looking for - and I'll see you then!

The New and Improved BB

Just to recap, I post weekly on a blog called The Borrowed Book. It's an awesome place for writers and readers alike to gather and find writing tips, book spotlights and other book news, author interviews, giveaways, and more! I'd really, really love to see more visitors over there, especially as we're working on some new features and a new look. Interaction is what makes blogging so much fun, and it would mean a lot to me if you'd pop in every now and again to see what we've got going on!

Author Elizabeth Ludwig's new feature is called "Field Trip Fridays." She is uber talented, and her videos are both informative and interesting. Check out her first Field Trip Friday post and see if you don't agree with me!

As for me, I post on Mondays, and my new feature is called "Where the Past Meets the Present." I even made a nifty button to celebrate! ;)

These posts will include anything from comparison posts between classics and modern books (or reviews of classics), to intriguing historical facts-sharing that writers can incorporate in their stories, to writing advice garnered from reading classic literature. The ambiguous title allows me a little wiggle room, which I hope will translate into more creative posts that will be helpful and enjoyable to readers and writers alike! I'll also continue to post some books reviews/spotlights off and on, as well. So come on over and visit us at the BB!


  1. I love your blog.... I found you through Blogtoberfest. Have been following it for a little while now, or at least it feels that way as I've been dropping by each day. I got a bit lost today in all that was happening on your blog, but I'll get the hang of it I'm sure. Lots of Links to follow.

  2. Lotti,

    Aw, thank you so much! :) I'm thrilled that you enjoy visiting my blog, although I'm sorry today was a bit confusing for you. I have a separate page for the Contentment Reading Challenge (you'll find all the pages links at the top of the sidebar on the right), and I do a monthly update post for that. As for "The Borrowed Book" blog, I've been posting weekly over there since this past winter/spring, and I just used today's post to let all my readers know about my new feature and the changes going on over there. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions about any of my features or general blogging activities! :)


  3. *hopes up and down in excitement* Ohhh, another bookswap?? Yahoo!!! I'll start preparing my list today. Can't wait! :-D

  4. Katie,

    Yep, yep! ;) I'm glad you made that comment earlier asking about another book swap - I think it's just the thing we should do for the November update. :) See you here on Wednesday!



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