
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mystery Week: Please cast your votes!

This is my first time creating a survey with Google Docs, and I'm excited to try it out! If you could fill out this brief, 4-question survey, I would really appreciate it! That way, you have a say in what we focus on this next week. =)

Note: In the questions, the phrase "this week" refers to "Mystery Week," which is scheduled for July 18-22nd (next week). Hope that makes sense! Feel free to ask me any questions in the comments section!


  1. Oh, I love mysteries! I used to read Agatha Christie's books all the time.

  2. I love mysteries but it's been ages since I read a ABA one and I haven't watched any of the PBS movies you mentioned in your poll. I don't always get them waaaayyy up here. We used to get a good PBS station out of NY and they had fabulous mini-series on. Loads of British historicals. But alas, we no longer get that station so I have to rely on my trusty library to provide me with DVDs for my viewing pleasure...if they have them.

  3. Sara,

    Glad to hear it! I haven't read an Agatha Christie book yet, but I plan to read two next week. ;)


  4. Kav,

    I realized this morning that I should have added a link to the PBS Masterpiece website--because you can watch some of the shows I mentioned online! :) You can watch "Hallowe'en Party," "The Pale Horse," and (after Sunday) "Vendetta" online for free on their website.

    Feel free to check it out here:

    As for the books, if you have a good Christian mystery you want to suggest we discuss sometime, please let me know! :)


  5. I love love love Agatha Christie! A couple of years ago I had surgery with a 6 week recovery. I gorged on Agatha Christie thanks to a fellow fan who has collected most of her works. I think there are over 80 books and stories by Agatha. I have read 32 of them. Also I have collected several video adaptations of her books. I enjoy all of them! Looking forward to all of your blog ideas!

  6. Julie,

    Wow! I haven't read Agatha Christie's work yet, but I'm excited to do so for next week--and even more so now knowing how much you love it! :) I've really enjoyed the Miss Marple episodes I've seen. Great mysteries!


    P.S. Thank you for becoming a follower! Hope you enjoy visiting "Seasons of Humility!"


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!