
Monday, July 11, 2011

Contentment Reading Challenge: July

For this month's challenge update, I want to start by giving ya'll a glimpse at some summer events that are coming up here at "Seasons of Humility." I did some brainstorming while I was on vacation, and I'm excited to put these plans to action!

July 18-22, Mystery Week: Because it's the PBS Masterpiece Mystery season, this will be a week dedicated to reviews of several of the shows, as well as some mystery book reviews. Maybe we can get some good discussions going!

July 25-29, Christmas in July:
'Tis the season to be jolly! Grab a cup of hot chocolate and join us for a fun Christmas celebration--a little cool reminiscing in the midst of the hot days of summer. ;) Be on the lookout for some fun Christmas themed posts (including the pickle ornament hunt!), as well as a fun giveaway!

August 15-19, County Fair Week: Greasy food, flashy rides, exciting games, and fun's time for the county fair! Get ready for a judged competition, shared stories, and maybe some Amish book reviews in honor of this community event.

August 21-27, End of Summer Bash: This is the place to be when the end of August rolls around! We're throwing a big party here at "Seasons of Humility" with the help of some dear author friends, including MaryLu Tyndall, Sarah Sundin, and Laura Frantz--to name a few! Great giveaways and summer-themed interviews should make this a bash to remember!

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Let me know what you think of these plans! I've done these themed weeks before, but this is a new year with new fun scheduled!

As far as re-reading goes, well...I don't really have anything to report. I read two books from last month's book swap (Love Starts with Elle and Chateau of Echoes, both from Casey), but I haven't re-read any more books. (Let me just say that I LOVED Chateau of Echoes! Thanks for the chance to read those books, Casey!) However, during the "Christmas in July" week, I plan on re-reading a couple of books, so hopefully the August update will be a little more positive. ;)

I'd love to know how you all are doing!


  1. I think I've read 16 books so far and right now I'm rereading Laura's The Frontiersman's Daughter and hope to have it done before TCL comes!!!! :D

    Sounds like a great slate of summer activities! I should have you come over to my blog and think up such creative weeks. ;-)

    So glad you liked the swapped books. I really enjoyed Angel's Den as well. :)

  2. You're so creative, Amber! I've only been reading my devotional books and the books I've agreed to review.

    I wanted you to know that I responded to being tagged at this post


  3. Hey Amber! Just checking in. Let's see...last month I reread three books, bringing my total up to 5 out of 20. Still a ways off from reaching my goal, but I have a few other books lined up that I hope to jump into sometime soon, so I'm not worried...yet! :-P lol

  4. Casey,

    Sixteen books?! Girl, you're WAY ahead of me! ;)

    And I so cannot wait for The Colonel's Lady!!!

    I'm glad you liked Angel's Den, and thank you for the compliment. :) I love coming up with themed weeks! Maybe we should do another progressive blog party like we did for Valentine's Day sometime...


  5. Renee Ann,

    Aww, thank you! :) That means so much coming from you, because your reviews and posts are very creative!

    And thanks for playing along with the "tagging" post!


  6. Katy,

    There's still plenty of time. :) And great job re-reading three books last month! You're ahead of me--I'm not doing so far, anyway! ;)


  7. I think those are nice themes! =) I specially like the Christmas theme! It's almost Christmas! ...... just a few months away!

  8. It sounds like you have some fun and creative ideas planned, Amber! I look forward to keeping up with all you have in store. : )

    Hope you're enjoying your summer!

    Sweet Blessings,

  9. Viviene,

    Thank you! I love Christmas, as well, so it's fun to look forward to it during these warmer summer months. :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! You have a lovely blog. Sounds like you're keeping very busy--but a very good busy, I'm sure! :)


  10. Michelle,

    Thank you! I hope you enjoy them--I'm excited to put them together. :) I've already been in contact with some authors about the "End of Summer Bash," and I'm looking forward to featuring them!

    I'm definitely having a great summer so far, especially with all these family vacations we've been on. :) Hope you're having a wonderful summer, too!


  11. Hi Amber,
    It's taken me a while to catch up, but since March I have read 6 more books for this challenge, taking me to 24 for the year. My update post is available, but I just realised that I included 2 books that I've read to far this month, so my months are a bit off. That's what being sick will do to you. I'd say that gives me more time for reading, but my attention span is too short to concentrate on the words much.
    So long, till next time.

  12. Beth,

    You're doing a fantastic job with all your re-reading! Way to go!!

    I'm sorry you've been sick lately, though, and I hope you are feeling better (or will be soon!). God bless!


  13. Hi, I'm a new follower. Your themed weeks here sound like a great idea. I look forward to reading the posts throughout the summer. Feel free to come visit my blog...
    Have a good day. :)

  14. Cathy,

    Thank you for becoming a follower! Always great to see a new face around here. :) I'm glad you like the idea of the themed weeks--I've had a lot of fun putting them together in the past. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!