
Monday, June 6, 2011

Review of Love Finds You in Prince Edward Island

Here's a description of the book from Summerside Press:

"In the summer of 1860, Prince Edward Island is astir. Its citizens eagerly anticipate the arrival of the first member of the British royal family to visit the island. Molly Orland is too poor to be invited to the ball, but she and several other local young women are thrilled when they’re hired as extra staff at the lieutenant governor’s house, where the young Prince of Wales will be a guest.

Peter Stark has arrived a few days in advance of the royal party to make sure arrangements are suitable for the prince. He is attracted to the beauty of the island—and to a young local girl named Molly, whom he’s determined to shield from the notorious antics of the playboy prince. When Peter and Molly discover a long-buried secret that could bring shame to his royal employer, will he remain a loyal servant—or help Molly’s family get the justice they deserve?"

My Rating: Fall/Spring

My Review:

As the lovely cover suggests, Love Finds You in Prince Edward Island, Canada is a charming book. While the story is set in the same beautiful place as Anne of Green Gables, it stands on its own, unique and sweet.

Like Cinderella, Molly is a young lady who wins the heart of the Prince and attends the ball despite her position as a maid in the lieutenant governor's household. But in an interesting twist, it's not the Prince who catches Molly's fancy--it's Peter Stark, attendant to an earl, with a complicated past.

The plot starts out slow, but the cute romance and the interesting details regarding the setting and the events for the Prince make this a quick read. While this book is not very deep, I enjoyed the fun summer trip to one place I really, really want to visit someday!


  1. Great review, Amber. I have never been to PEI either but I lived and breathed all things Anne Shirley when I was a kid. I hear Prince William and Princess Catherine (aka Kate) are stopping in PEI because Kate is a huge Lucy Maud Montgomery fan and wants to see Green Gables. :-) And yaaaaayyyyyy blogger is speaking to me again. I haven't been able to comment on most blogs for about two weeks...including my own!

  2. Lovely review, Amber. The cover alone makes me want to read the story!

  3. Kav,

    Thank you! :) I am a big fan of Anne of Green Gables, as well! I hadn't heard that Prince William and Princess Catherine were going to PEI though--how wonderful!!

    So glad you could stop by and that Blogger is behaving again. ;)


  4. Susan,

    Thank you! And yes, I felt the same way, which is why I asked for this specific book for my birthday. :)


  5. Love what you've done to your site, Amber. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY! So sorry I forgot to tell you earlier this week. The memory is the first thing to go ya know . . .

  6. Sandra,

    Aww, thank you--on both counts!! :D


  7. your lupins header is right out of the countryside roads of Prince Edward Island! i lived there for a year. pretty place to visit...

  8. Faith Hope Cherrytea,


    Oh, how I would love to visit Prince Edward Island someday! It's neat to think that my header could fit the countryside there. :) As it is, it's actually from the countryside about an hour from where I live in California. So pretty here in the redwoods!

    So cool that you lived on P.E.I. for a year!!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!