
Friday, June 10, 2011

Back from the Happiest Place on Earth!

Hello, everyone! I just got back from a most wonderful vacation in Disneyland!! I'm sure I'll be posting more pictures and sharing some stories soon, but for now I simply wanted to let you know that I haven't dropped off the face of the planet. ;)

Next week I plan on sharing quite a few book reviews with you. And drum roll please...the next Contentment Reading Challenge Book Swap is headed your way soon!!

Hope you all are having a great summer so far!

P.S. If you would like to read my review of To Win Her Heart by Karen Witemeyer, stop by the Radiant Lit website!


  1. Hi Amber:

    Whew! I thought the happiest place on earth was the maternity ward! You had me worried there for a moment.:)

    I can’t wait to see your pictures. The last time I was there was 1962!


  2. Vince,

    Too funny! Nope, I was definitely not referring to the maternity ward. ;)

    My parents took some really fun pictures, so I'm excited to share some of them with you! Oh, and if you ever get a chance you really should visit Disneyland again--it's wonderful!


  3. Lucky you!! Disney is my FAVORITE place! Especially the one in Florida. One day I'll get back there. There's magic in the air there. Everyone is so darn happy!!

    Glad you had a great time!

  4. Susan,

    I know--I was incredibly blessed to be able to go this summer! :) I've never been to Disney World in Florida before, but I've heard it's awesome!

    And I agree--it does feel like there's magic in the air in Disneyland! :D


  5. Hi Amber! Welcome back! Can't wait to see some of your pictures and hear more about your trip. : )

  6. Michelle,

    Thank you! I'm planning on sharing some more pictures and such later this week, if possible. :) We had a blast!



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