
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Review of A Matter of Character

Here's a description of the book from the author's website:

"Who says a woman can’t keep a secret?

It's 1918, and Daphne McKinley, heiress to a small fortune, has found contentment in the town of Bethlehem Springs. But Daphne has a secret.

A series of dime novels loosely based on local lore and featuring a nefarious villain known as Rawhide Rick has enjoyed modest popularity among readers. Nobody in Bethlehem Springs knows the man behind the stories … except Daphne.

When newspaperman Joshua Crawford comes to town searching for the man who sullied the good name of his grandfather, Daphne finds herself at a crossroads, reassessing the power of her words, re-thinking how best to honor her gifts, and reconsidering what she wants out of life."

My Rating: Spring/Summer

My Review:

A Matter of Character is a sweet, fun, and meaningful conclusion to "The Sisters of Bethlehem Springs" series. As much as I loved Fit to Be Tied (the second book in the series), I think this one just might be my favorite!

With a very relatable heroine, a conflicted hero to make your tummy flutter, and some interesting plot twists, this book turned out to be a quick and satisfying read. Hatcher is very adept at her craft, as shown by the fluidity of her words and scenes. Plus, I just love how the title was explored as a theme throughout the book, looking at what character really is and what it means to live out a godly character. As the heroine is a novelist/writer, I found that some of her internal struggles were ones I could understand, especially the question as to whether one should write for pure entertainment or to convey the truth. Very enjoyable book!

*With thanks to Pepper from The Writers Alley blog for my copy of the book, which I won during a giveaway.*

Note: Most of this review first appeared on a post for The Borrowed Book blog.

Book Trailer:


  1. Great review, Amber! I'm glad you could relate to the heroine - I love when that happens when I'm reading a book, makes it more real and personal :) Love the cover of this, too!

    Off to go check out your BB blog :)


  2. Amanda,

    Thank you! Yes, I enjoy reading about a heroine I can relate to. This particular book's theme really was timely for me. :) And the cover is very cute, isn't it?

    Also, thank you so much for stopping by the BB! A post with no comments is like a day without chocolate, so thank you for leaving a comment on this post and the BB one! :)



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