
Monday, May 9, 2011

Back in Time: World War II

Today I'm combining our "Time Travel" week with "Monday for the Military," as we step back into the World War II era: a time of great peril, great courage, and great miracles. If you want to learn more about the World War II era and be inspired by it, then I highly recommend Battlefields & Blessings: Stories of Faith and Courage from World War II by Larkin Spivey:

Here's a description of the book from the author's website:

"Battlefields & Blessings: Stories of Faith & Courage from World War II is meant to strengthen the faith of readers by showing the power of others’ faith under the most extreme circumstances imaginable. This is accomplished through 365 one-page stories from America’s greatest conflict presented in a daily devotional format with relevant scripture readings for each day of the year. The daily readings offer a candid look at the faith and courage of individual soldiers, sailors, civilians, and national leaders, as well as God’s providential hand during many pivotal events of the war. Additionally, the book presents a unique and concise history of World War II with summaries, maps, and photographs of the major campaigns of the war. Many will enjoy reading the book straight through to gain insights into the war and combat not found in typical historical accounts."

Partial Review:

Battlefields & Blessings...looking back on the blessings from the WWII battlefields and discovering blessings on the spiritual battlefields in the present, this book is a powerful read! So far I've read through the first month's devotionals, and I've been touched by the moving stories of a grand and yet painful era.

With historical tidbits, stories from individuals, and pictures from WWII, along with relevant Scripture and connections to our everyday lives, this book is a great devotional tool. From what I can tell, the book is best read from the very beginning in order to follow the chronology of the War, so I've read through the "January" selections and am getting ready to start "February." Each day's reading is short but effective. I've enjoyed the reading so far, and I am looking forward to reading more! Based on what I've read, I recommend this book for anyone who is willing to learn from history and wants to be inspired.

*With thanks to the author, Larkin Spivey, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. I apologize for the delay in posting about this great book!*

Note: If you'd like to read an example of the devotionals in this book, click HERE. (One of the selections especially spoke to me, so I posted about it a couple of Sundays ago.)

A Song for the Road

And since we're on the subject of World War II, I just have to share a song with you!

Do you enjoy reading books or watching movies about the WWII era? Do you have any recommendations for the rest of us? Sometime soon I plan on watching the Hallmark movie The Magic of Ordinary Days, which is set during WWII. I couldn't resist buying it when I found it at a Hallmark store in Oregon! ;)


  1. I love The Magic Of Ordinary Days, it is such a great movie with a strong story line. Cara Putman I think is a great WWII author. She has written some great books set in that era. I favorite is Canteen Dreams. GREAT book. :)

  2. I'm drawn to all stories and movies about WWII and loved The Magic of Ordinary Days! I could fill a blog post with all my favorite books and movies of this time period . . .

  3. Casey,

    Oh, yay! I'm super excited to watch it. :) And I haven't read any of Cara Putnam's books yet, but they sound great! Thanks for the recommendation. :)


  4. Renee Ann,

    Glad to hear that you think The Magic of Ordinary Days is a great movie, too! :D I'm sure I'll love it! And yes, there are a lot of great books and movies set during this era, aren't there?


  5. This book looks like a real blessing of a read! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on it with us. And, I think you’re in for a sweet treat with that movie, The Magic of Ordinary Days! I loved it and anytime I see it on the Hallmark Channel I make sure to watch it! The romance was so sweet and gentle and blossomed into a beautiful love story, bringing tears to my eyes many times. I loved the hero and heroine, and all the supporting characters really added the cherry on top to this heartfelt tale. I know you’re gonna really enjoy this movie and I hope you get to it soon! :)

    LOL, and that song will be in my head the rest of the night!


  6. Squeee! I'm so excited that you got The Magic of Ordinary Days it's one of my all-time favorite Hallmark movies. I love pretty much anything set during WWII including Sarah Sundin's Wings of Glory series and Susan May Warren's Sons of Thunder! AMAZING!

    XOXO~ Renee

  7. Amanda,

    It really is a blessed read. :) It's been great reading so far!

    As for The Magic of Ordinary Days, I watched it on Monday and fell in love with it!!! What a sweet, sweet movie! :D You always describe things so well, and I agree with your thoughts, my friend! Those characters were just wonderful, and all of the intricacies of the plot--all the magic of ordinary days--were heart-stirring. :)

    And I just have to say--my mom read your comment and mentioned that last part when I started singing that song, LOL! I think she didn't want me to get another song stuck in her head... ;)


  8. Renee,

    Awww, thank you for being so excited for me! :D You know, I think it was a post on your blog that really got me interested in this movie and helped me want to buy it. :) So glad I did!!! I loved it!

    And I so agree about the books you mentioned! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!