
Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday for the Military: Yesterday's Tomorrow

Here's a description of the book from Goodreads:

"She's after the story that might get her the Pulitzer.
He's determined to keep his secrets to himself.

Vietnam, 1967.

Independent, career-driven journalist Kristin Taylor wants two things: to honor her father's memory by becoming an award-winning overseas correspondent and to keep tabs on her only brother, Teddy, who signed up for the war against their mother's wishes. Brilliant photographer Luke Maddox, silent and brooding, exudes mystery. Kristin is convinced he's hiding something.

Willing to risk it all for what they believe in, Kristin and Luke engage in their own tumultuous battle until, in an unexpected twist, they're forced to work together. Ambushed by love, they must decide whether or not to set aside their own private agendas for the hope of tomorrow that has captured their hearts.

A poignant love story set amidst the tumultuous Vietnam War."

My Rating: Summer

My Review:

Haunting. Yesterday's Tomorrow is a gripping story--one that vividly depicts the heroism and heartbreak of the Vietnam War, along with its aftermath in the lives of those who lived through it.

I cried several times while I was reading, and also after I finished the book in the wee hours of the morning. I could hardly put it down once I started it. The characters, the setting, the horror, and the hope are so real that I became thoroughly engrossed in the story. A friend reminded me as I voiced my inner turmoil over the drama that it is only fiction--but in a way it is so much more. The suffering and the sorrow are authentic, and to even think about what the men and women involved in the war went through is hard to take in.

The first 60% of the book is action-packed, full of budding romance, secrets, and pain. The remaining part of the book--"Homecoming"--is not as fast-paced, nor is it quite as engaging to read, but it is necessary. Seeing just a glimpse of what it was like for those who had witnessed the unspeakable torment of the war to return home and try to assimilate into a society that didn't understand is beyond tragic.

Yesterday's Tomorrow is a story that tells the truth as best it can--the confusion, the anguish, and the struggle of the U.S. military men and women, the journalists, and the families affected by the Vietnam War. It's not an easy read, but at the same time it is eye-opening and thought-provoking. It is profoundly moving and not without hope. Having been to the Vietnam War Memorial--a trench-like wall covered with names--I feel that this book captures a similar feeling: bringing the enormity of the hurt home in a personal and powerful way.

*With thanks to author Catherine West for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

Want to learn more?

Check out Catherine's website and her blog! And don't forget to check out the book trailer for Yesterday's Tomorrow!


  1. Wonderful review! I am diving into this book right now and while I am only on page 50, I'm really enjoying it so far!! :-D

    ~ Katy

  2. Thank you! :) I'm so glad you're reading the book, too--I can tell you that you'll have a difficult time putting it down!


  3. Thanks, Amber! I suppose the good thing about the book is, that as long as you have time, you do get through it fairly quickly!! LOL.

  4. Catherine,

    You're so welcome! I'm so grateful I had the opportunity to read your amazing book! :D

    And yes, it doesn't take very long to read it! ;)


  5. What a wonderful review, Amber. I have never been a fan of that time period...not quite old enough to be considered historical but not quite current enough to be considered contemporary. LOL. But you've definitely sold me on this one.

  6. Kav,

    Thank you! I'm so glad to hear I've sold you on this book--I don't think you'll regret it in the least! :) It's a powerful read!


  7. WOW... I LOVE your review, Amber! This book sounds so incredible and I can see how deeply it touched you, my friend. Even though the subject is a heavy one, I love a book that grabs your heart and brings the tears. I will definitely keep this in mind for once I can get my TBR down a little ;) Thanks for sharing this book and your thoughts with us :)

    Praying you have a beautiful day in Jesus!


  8. Amanda,

    Thank you so much! It definitely touched me and brought me to tears! Even though it's a tough read, I highly recommend it when you have some space on your shelf. ;)

    Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have a beautiful day in Jesus, as well! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!