
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Fun!

Just thought I would share some pictures from Easter Sunday with ya'll!

When my mom brought me back to school after spring break in March, she gave me my Easter basket hidden in a black garbage bag, and told me to keep it under my bed until Easter. Well, Sunday morning before church I got the bag out from under the bed so I could finally open it!

Here's what it looked like fresh out of the bag! ;)

And here's a picture that my roommate took of me and my lovely basket:

In our family we treat our Easter baskets kind of like we do our stockings at Christmastime--my younger sister and I go out to the living room and "ooh" and "aww" over all the sweet surprises! And then we look around the living room for little chocolate eggs the Easter bunny left behind. ;) Since I wasn't at home with my sister to look for the eggs, mine were in my basket:

After my roomie and I went to church, we headed off to Portland to spend the day with some of her family. The dinner was delicious (ham, turkey, green beans, salad, biscuits, etc.), and the egg hunt was a lot of fun (we did it three-legged race style)! This last picture is of my roommate (on the left) and me (on the right) at one of her uncle's home:

This was the second year I got to spend Easter with my current roommate, even though we weren't roommates last year! She is so sweet, and it was such a blessing to spend the day with her and her family.

I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter, as well! I'd love to hear some of your stories if you'd like to share!


  1. Oh what a gorgeous basket! Glad you had a good Easter!

  2. Your mom to so sweet and wonderful!! :) That basket is so cute and I love the pretty bunny on the handle :) I’m glad you still got to keep with tradition – I imagine a college student needs that when they’re far from home. I’m so happy your Easter was special and fun, not just with the adorable basket but with getting to spend it with your friend, especially when you couldn’t be with your family. A friend is our home away from home :)

    We had Easter at our house this year and my nana and papa came with my uncle and our cousin, who was visiting from Florida! It was so nice to see her again :) Instead of ham (half of us don’t like it and the other half can’t have the salt!) we made lasagna rolls, chicken parmesan, and a big antipasto salad – my mom is an awesome cook! For dessert she made made a huge layered chocolate cake, with her delicious cheesecake in the middle. She put raspberries and her homemade chocolate frosting in between the layers and cover the outside with chocolate ganache. It was as big as all get out but SUPER YUMMY!!

    But the best part of the day came with the sermon at church. My pastor talked about Job and I was in tears almost the entire time. The Lord really spoke to me with that sermon and I felt like I saw Job in a clearer, deeper way than I ever have before. It was a blessing and encouragement not only to see what the Lord did for him but Job’s reaction during it all. Wow. I’ve been singing the song “Blessed Be Your Name” ever since :)

    Thanks for sharing your Easter with us, girl! Talk to you soon!


  3. Ruth,

    Isn't it, though? :D My sister and I have had the same baskets for years (mine is purple, hers is green), and my parents just plain spoil us with all the goodies! ;)

    Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you had a great Easter, too!


  4. Amanda,

    My mom is definitely sweet and wonderful!! :) And if you could only see that bunny in person--it's adorable!!

    Last year my spring break was closer to Easter, so my sister and I got our baskets early, when I was at home. But because Easter was so late this year, I just got to bring my basket back to school with me and wait. ;) But I did call my family Easter morning to let them join in on my "oohing" and "ahhing" over the basket! :)

    Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter, too! It's great to be surrounded by loved ones--and delicious food!! :D

    And that is so, so neat about the sermon, Amanda. Sounds very powerful and moving! And "Blessed Be Your Name" is a great song. :)

    Thank YOU for sharing about your Easter Sunday, and I do hope we can talk more soon, too!



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