
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring is in the Air!

Spring is almost here!!! This Sunday marks the first official day of spring according to my planner, which is cause for celebration! Add to that the fact that my spring break is next week, and my blogoversary is the week after that, and I'm even more excited!

(Speaking of my blogoversary, any long-time followers recognize the picture above? Can you believe it's been almost a year since those lovely leaves first graced the top of my blog?!)

Spring also brings to mind thoughts of spring cleaning...

I think my cluttered thoughts could use a bit of organization! I feel like my list of possible blog posts just keeps getting longer and longer, which can be a good, but also stressful, thing.
  • I still haven't posted about the rest of my Women to Women Conference Experience.
  • I really need to post my CSN Stores review soon... This is especially timely since spring is starting, and who doesn't want to talk about pretty vases for those spring flowers?
  • I went on a fabulous field trip this past Saturday for my Literature of the American West class! We went to the McLoughlin House in Oregon City and to Fort Vancouver. And I have pictures!!
  • Just last night I went to see a special showing of Meek's Cutoff, a movie about a story from the Oregon Trail. I have a lot of conflicting thoughts about it... Anyone interested in reading a review?
  • I'm scheduled to review Bathsheba by Jill Eileen Smith this week. And next week I'm scheduled to review Love Amid the Ashes. I'll have a special interview to go along with that review! Also, I'm sure I'll be reading some more over spring break. ;)
See what I mean? Good grief, I'm practically drowning in post ideas, not to mention the whole week dedicated to my blogoversary coming up soon...

So, are you all excited about spring? And do these upcoming posts sound interesting to you? Which ones sound most appealing?

P.S. The winner of a signed copy of A Soldier's Devotion is...


Congratulations! (Loved your party mask, by the way!)

Thank you all so much for helping me celebrate Hannah's birthday yesterday!


  1. Are you finished with Bathsheba? What did you think? I finished my copy and hope to post my review Friday or Saturday. I LOVED the book! Its going on my "favorites" bookshelf to remain!!

    - Katy

  2. Geez Louise you're one busy gal aren't ya? Well that's great because that means you won't be bored! Since my is this month and I was sick for pretty much 2 weeks prior I didn't have the chance to get anything planned. I'm tossing around some ideas but I'm thinking since it's my dog Coco's birthday next month I'll do something about pets! Don't know exactly what yet but I think it'll be fun!

    Thanks again for the fun party and Happy Birthday once again to Hannah!

    XOXO~ Renee

  3. Oh I know...those can come and while they are around (sudden bursts of inspiration) ENJOY THEM! Sometimes you can hit a dry spell...though they haven't lasted for long. :)

    And YES I recognized the photo right off, I love it. :)

  4. Katy,

    I'm actually not that far yet in Bathsheba, but hopefully after today I will either be finished or pretty far along! :) I'm glad to hear you really enjoyed the book, and I'll look forward to seeing your review!


  5. Renee,

    Hahaha, yep! Definitely not bored... ;)

    And I'm excited to see what you do for your blogoversary! :) That would be fun to do something with pets!! Happy almost birthday to Coco! :)


  6. Casey,

    You're right, I should definitely enjoy this time when I've got a good supply of ideas. :)

    And glad you recognized the picture right away! ;) Thank you for being such a faithful follower!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!