
Thursday, March 17, 2011

CSN Stores: Review of IMAX Mini 6-Piece Vase Set

First of all, let me wish you all a happy St. Patrick's Day! And you know what March 17th also means...

It's almost spring!

And just in time for this new season, I have a fun review for you. Today I'm reviewing the IMAX Mini Six Piece Vase Set from CSN Stores! I've taken so many pictures of these vases that this review just begs to be told through those pictures! So I'll share some of them with you along with my comments, and at the end I'll wrap up my thoughts more succinctly. ;)

Review in Pictures:

Just like the beautiful pair of black heels I reviewed for CSN Stores several months ago, the set of vases arrived very well-packaged! They came in a huge box, and inside that box was this littler one and lots and lots of bubble wrap! ;) Thinking back on it, I'm reminded of a line from The Emperor's New Groove: "I'll put that flea in a box, and I'll put that box inside of another box..."

Once I got the box with the vases inside opened, I took pictures of my hand holding each one individually--so here's a closer look at one of the vases. Very earthy-looking and stylish, wouldn't you say? (And I doubt you can see, but that's me in the mirror!)

Here's what the whole set looks like fresh out of the box. Aren't they all lovely? There is a nice variety in color and shape, and they're definitely very classy!

Remember all that bubble wrap I mentioned earlier? Well I just had to add that not only did I get a great set of vases, but I got some fun memory-making material to boot! ;) I saw the potential early on, but after the first jump I was scared I would disturb others in the dorm with the loud noise. My roommate and I later decided to just go for it and had an awesome time popping tons of bubble wrap. ;)

Now, back to the vases! This was from the first "try-out." My roomie got some lovely flowers from her boyfriend and we set up a photo shoot with the vases and flowers. ;) Very artsy, I'd say! The vases don't hold too many flowers, but they beautifully showcase the ones that they can hold.

My sweet roomie let me keep one of the flowers to grace my desk for a while! (I feel like this photo would make a great "look and find" picture: How many flowers do you see? What time is it on the clock? What books was I planning to read? Does anyone else think that vase looks like a cute Easter egg?)

The second "try-out"/photo shoot was with fake flowers that I bought at Walmart. We have a few of the vases around the room right now with some fake flowers, which is great because they don't die! ;) Doesn't the one pictured above go great for St. Patrick's Day? And my roomie is using one of the vases to hold some real daffodils right now, as well.

Overall Thoughts:

I was very pleased by how well-packaged the vases were--there was pretty much no way they could have been damaged en route to my school. Each of the vases is lovely, and I enjoy their uniqueness and their elegance. The colors are soft and varied to match different flowers and different settings at different times, which means there are plenty of options for how and when to use them!

Whether they're used to hold fake flowers or real flowers, these vases can add a touch of class to any room. Because of their small sizes, they don't hold too many flowers, but they're more artistic rather than functional pieces. Add a handful of flowers to any of them and you can brighten a desk, a windowsill, or any small place that needs a ray of sunshine.

(With thanks to CSN Stores for providing me with a $30 gift code in order to purchase and review a product for their company. This review is my honest opinion.)


  1. SO PRETTY! I love them. :) And LOL, I am SO glad I'm not the only one who likes to jump on bubble wrap. Ah the little joys in life!! :-P

  2. So pretty! I love the rose/pink colored one.

  3. Awww I love those, especially the Easter egg vase LOL! I'm a bubble wrap popper too but I like to pop it with my fingers....sooo fun LOLOLOLOL.

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. Oh, those vases are SO ADORABLE!! Brings that lovely pop of Spring and a smile to your face :) Speaking of pop - YAY, bubble wrap addicts unite!! :D Best part of a package IMHO ;)

    We've had such warm weather here lately (GOODBYE SNOW! *happy dance*) that I can see the beginnings of our flowers waking from their winter slumber! My mom planted mini daffodils and mini tulips so those are gonna look nice on my desk soon :D Beauty, inspiration and a lovely aroma, flowers are such wonderful little gifts from heaven :)


    P.S. - Will be emailing you shortly! :D

  5. Very cute!! These are actually bigger than I had pictured them, and prettier, too! Not that I was picturing small, ugly vases. ;)
    Just last week I pulled out one of my mini vases and picked some daffodils to put over my sink. Just the smell alone brightened my day. :)

  6. Loved your artsy group shot of them. The pictures definitely sell the product here, but you really staged them well. Is there no end to your talent?

  7. Casey,

    Aren't they pretty? :) And yes--yay for the little joys! Jumping on bubble wrap is sooo fun! ;)


  8. Michelle,

    The little pink one is so cute, I agree! :) Definitely a great vase for Easter-time!


  9. Renee,

    Oh, yes--the "Easter egg" vase is adorable! ;)

    But Renee, it's so much more fun to jump on bubble wrap!!! Oh, well, I guess it can be fun to pop it with your fingers, too... LOL ;)


  10. Amanda,

    Yes! I love the variety, and they're pretty without stealing the show from the flowers, if that makes sense. ;) Yay for spring!

    And I LOVE that--we should start a group of "bubble wrap addicts" where we tell our stories, schedule bubble wrap-popping parties, etc. ;) LOL

    I'm so glad to hear that you're getting warmer weather now!! And those flowers sound lovely. :) I'm so glad God gave us flowers!


    P.S. Thank you so, so much for your e-mail!! It means a lot to me, and I will hopefully reply sometime soon! :)

  11. Bluerose,

    Hahaha, I know what you mean, no worries! ;) I think they were bigger than I imagined, too--not quite what most of us would describe as "mini." And they are a gentle/soft in color and glossy, which is pretty!

    And yay! Daffodils are so pretty and such a wonderful reminder that it is almost spring! :)


  12. Kav,

    Awwww! *Blush* That is so sweet of you! I'm not a professional photographer by any means, but I've taken quite a few pictures of these vases since I got them, and I'm glad some of them turned out nicely! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!