
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Season of Love Blog Party Reminder!

I just wanted to remind all of you that the "Season of Love Blog Party" is drawing to a close, so you've only got today (Sunday) to make sure to get your name entered into all of these great giveaways! Plus, there have been some super fun, creative interviews and posts, and you'll want to be sure to visit all of them as you get ready to celebrate Valentine's Day!

Here are the links to all of the posts/giveaways included in this party:

Amber at Seasons of Humility--Interview with MaryLu Tyndall and a giveaway of Surrender the Night

Renee Ann at Doorkeeper--True-life story of love and sacrifice plus Giveaway Trifecta

Casey at Writing for Christ--Interview with Kristin Billerbeck and a giveaway of A Billion Reasons Why

Hannah at Project Journal--The Single Girl's Guide to Valentine's Day with a surprise book/chocolate giveaway

Joy at Edgy Inspirational Romance--"Love Stories from My Favorite Bloggers" with $10 gift card giveaway

Julia at Darkglass Ponderings--Interview with Jody Hedlund, dessert recipe, and two giveaways: Godiva chocolate and a copy of The Preacher's Bride

Renee at Black 'n Gold Girl's Bookspot--Interview with Laura Frantz and a 3-surprise-Christian-fiction-books giveaway (including Save the Date)

Remember to come back here to Seasons of Humility for a Mr. Linky listing of all the blogs writing a special post tomorrow (Valentine's Day!). The winners will be announced on the participating blogs, and there will be some really sweet posts! See you then, and good luck in all of the giveaways!

(Thank you again to all of these fabulous blogger friends for participating in the party!!!)


  1. This has been a fun week, Amber.

  2. Michelle,

    Oh, I'm so glad you think so! :) I'm so grateful for all of these blogger friends who took turns hosting the party! And I'm grateful for friends like you for your participation and really making the party fun! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!