
Sunday, January 16, 2011

A New Beginning

This week is my first week back at school. It is a new semester, with new classes and a new schedule. A new beginning.

So the next few days will be a bit busy for me as I get caught up and settle into a new routine. I probably won't be posting as much for a little while as I adjust, and I probably won't be getting around to the "Sightseeing by the Seasons" giveaway this week. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I do appreciate your patience!

I'll still be around off and on, with book and movie reviews and such, and eventually I hope to find a good schedule for blog posting, as well. I'm trying to make some new author contacts for the "Mondays for the Military" feature, and plans for a progressive Valentine's Day blog party are in full swing! Until then, enjoy these pictures from the Murder Mystery Party my mom and I hosted over Christmas break:

This Murder Mystery Party kit was called "Honky Tonk Homicide." We had quite a few interesting suspects, including a T.V. evangelist (that's my honorary godmother in a wig!) and "his" wife (one of my friends). (And in case you were worried, that's just Root Beer!)

This is me and my mom. I was Sheriff Sissy Wesson, and my mom was the host of Karaoke night.

This is the whole gang (minus my godmother). The dummy on the chair (between the girls in the dresses) was the murdered man, and since he was supposed to have been killed in his office, we set him up in our downstairs office. The murdered man's name was Bubba, and the funny thing is that the dummy's name was Bubba long before we ever got this game!

As I'm sure you can tell, we had a great time! I always love hosting these parties, and my mom was so sweet about helping me bring it all together and even joining in and playing a man's role. ;)

Now, the question is: Who dunnit? Guess which person (in any of these three pictures) was the murderer, and if you guess correctly, I'll put your name into a drawing for a book! I'm not sure yet which one, but you can be certain it will be Christian fiction. I do realize that you don't know any of these person's motives, means, or opportunities, but this is just for fun, so go ahead and guess! (You must have a Canadian or U.S. mailing address in order to win.)

Hope you all have a wonderful week!


  1. I think it was the person in the back of the picture with the white hat :)

    I love murder mystery kits!!!

  2. I think it was your grandmother. :P

    Looks like you had a great time! I sent you an email, but realized when I didn't hear back that it was sent to your school address. It'll probably be waiting for you when you get back. Safe travels!!

  3. Love these pictures! I think your mom looks way to innocent and happy as the host of Karoake night. She must've done Bubba in! LOL

  4. How fun!!

    I think it was your mom.

    I look forward to hearing more about the Valentine's Blog Hop.

  5. Hmm I don't know but you look AWFULLY guilty. :-P

    Hehehe it looks like you all had a blast though.

    XOXO~ Renee

  6. I think it was the one on the far right in the bottom picture- in the straw hat. :)


  7. Ariel,

    Doesn't my mom look funny/cute in that picture? ;) I love Murder Mystery Party kits, too! So much fun!


  8. Casey,

    Actually, that's my godmother, but she's kind of like my honorary godgrandmother. ;) She's so fun and sweet!

    Anyway, yes, we had a great time! And I just replied to your e-mail; I apologize for not responding sooner, because I actually had seen it before.

    I came back to school Saturday night, so I'm all settled in now. :) Thanks for your kind words!


  9. Renee Ann,

    So glad you like them! Aren't they great? ;)

    And yes, my mom does look rather happy and innocent, doesn't she...? ;)


  10. Michelle,

    It definitely was fun! :)

    And I'm glad to hear you're looking forward to the Valentine's Blog Hop! It should be pretty awesome. ;)


  11. Renee,

    Do I...? ;)

    We had a great time!


  12. Kristin,

    She does look suspicious, doesn't she? ;)


  13. Hi Amber!
    See, I knew I should have taken time to dress up more like a guy and be more crazy. Oh well, you know how busy I was up 'til the last moment. We sure did have fun! I love you with all my heart!!!

  14. Mom!

    Oh, I miss you so much! You looked just fine--the cowboy hat was just the right touch. :) And yes, I definitely know how busy you were! It was a crazy evening, but I thank you so much for helping me to host the party still. It was lots of fun, and I'm so glad you and Mrs. Sanders joined in! :)

    I love you with all of my heart!!! Miss you so, so much!


  15. This is too cute! I had never heard of these kinds of parties until you mentioned them, Amber! Can you just buy a kit like this in the store or is it an online thing? It's certainly something fun to do with your friends :D

    Hmmm... I think it might be your friend in the blue dress- only because the one with the tattoo would be too obvious, LOL! ;)

    So happy your all settled back at school! Praying for you and your family :)


    P.S.- I know I've said it before but I just have to say it again, your Mom is so adorable :)

  16. Amanda,

    They're really fun! We have this one store in my home county called "The Toy Box" that sells certain ones, but there's a greater selection online. The brand of the ones we get are called "BePuzzled." :)

    However, I have to warn you--they do include sexual references (references to affairs and such). I only invite my girl friends over (no-boys-allowed sort of thing), but it could be offensive to some people. Just a friendly warning!

    The girl in the blue dress is the T.V. evangelist's wife, and she's a pretty shady character... ;) And don't you love the fake tattoos on my one friend's arms? So funny! I think one of them said "Ma." ;)

    Thank you for your continued prayers and for your kind words!


    P.S. I sent you an e-mail this morning! Oh, and isn't my mom so sweet? :)

  17. Thanks for the friendly warning, Amber :) And those fake tattoos are too funny! I used to love those when I was a kid, LOL :D

    And, YES, I got your email!! Made my night actually! I'm just finishing up a book review (trying to find the right words, you know?) but as soon as I'm done I'll be enjoying and responding ;)


  18. Amanda,

    You're welcome. :)

    Thank you for your enthusiasm about my e-mail! ;) I can't wait to hear your thoughts whenever you have some time!

    BTW, I talked to my mom, she read your comment, and she wanted me to tell you that are as sweet as apple pie. :) Your e-mails the past few weeks meant a lot to all of us!


  19. Awwww... as sweet as apple pie? Please tell her thank you for me and right back at her! :) I'm so happy the Lord could use me in someway. It was certainly the least I could do for a friend you has been such an encouragement to me :)

    Oh, and I just replied to your last email!


  20. Amanda,

    I'll have to let her know. :) Thank you for your kind words, and thank YOU for being such an encouragement to ME! You have no idea! :D

    Talk to you soon!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!