
Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Review of Licensed for Trouble

Here's a description of the book from Tyndale House Publishers:

"PJ Sugar receives shocking news that she’s inherited the Kellogg family mansion. Though she has no idea why, the timing is perfect—PJ has clearly worn out her welcome at her sister’s house. Unfortunately, the mansion is in shambles, and PJ is short on cash. Rescue comes in the form of Max Smith, a mysterious handyman willing to trade his services for PJ’s investigative skills. But PJ already has a full docket with cramming for her PI license and nurturing a growing romance with her boss, Jeremy Kane. Can she take on Max’s case without dropping the ball?"

My Rating: Summer

My Review:

This book has it all--humor, mystery, action, suspense, emotion, and yes, lots of romance! Although I haven't read the first two books in this series, I was still able to thoroughly enjoy this third installment. Mystery stories can be quite engaging, but this one was also very entertaining with its true-to-life moments of hilarity and honest struggles. I loved it!

The characters are authentic, and PJ is one fun heroine! Oh, and the love triangle? Wow! This book is full of romantic tension and sweet rescues, without compromising PJ's independence and courage. The ending wrapped it all up beautifully, and I was left more than satisfied with the conclusion. Eventually PJ learns a lot about herself and about perspective in regards to the past and the future. One line from PJ herself shows this idea well:

"I think that's what a fresh start is all about. Not ignoring the past, but seeing it through the eyes of God, through the eyes of grace. Knowing where we've been and where we're going. A fresh start isn't about forgetting; it's about perspective."

With a hopeful message and vivid word pictures (like watching a movie!), this book is simply wonderful!

*With thanks to Linda from Mocha with Linda for my copy of the book, which I won during a giveaway on her blog.*


  1. Sounds awesome! I'll have to check her out. :O)

  2. Girl, I think you're going to have to start sending me more books *BIG wink* Joking, joking!! LOL! But you've got soooooooo many good books that you review lol. And I can't find them around here unfortunately.

    BUT I did want to tell you that I bought A Hopeful Heart today!!!! Lol...found it at the used bookstore looks brand new and it was only $5.49! AND I got to use the last of my gift card from my birthday : ) Veryyyyyy happy about that lol!

    I was going to text you, but decided to hold off lol! Been a long day, but I'm sure I'll be able to catch you up sometime soonish. Two appointments and a ton of driving - yuck! Lol....some good news, some badish, but that's okay I guess.

    Home alone tonight, bored, I wanna make cookies, but definitely shouldn't, and have a slight headache lol. What a night :/

    Talk to you later, lovey,

  3. Girl you are definitely going to have to go back and read the first two PJ adventures! You'll love 'em!

  4. This was one of my favorite books of 2010! I love Susan May Warren and all the PJ books were wonderful.

  5. Diane,

    For sure! :D Hope you get to read some of her work soon--Susan May Warren is a great author!


  6. Hannah,

    So much for responding "now" as I told you I would on Goodreads--so sorry I didn't respond to this comment sooner! :( But thank you so much for commenting! It's good to hear from you. :)

    I really need to tell you more about these book review programs, my friend. I think you would enjoy it!

    And I am so happy to hear you got A Hopeful Heart for such a great price!!! I loved that one, and I hope you do, as well! :D

    Hope you are doing alright and that your evening went well. :) Talk to you soon!


  7. Ruth,

    I know, I know! ;) If they're in the same series as this book and by the same author, they have to be good! Loved this one! :)


  8. Sara,

    Definitely an amazing book and a talented author! :D Glad to hear you enjoyed the first two in this series, as well. :)


  9. Ehhhh, you know I love talking to you, girl.

    It's okay. I actually thought that I had misunderstood your comment! *snicker* So I was like whatever....I'm being dumb again :P

    Yeah, Renee sent me a lengthy email about it last night! Lol....but I'd love to hear what you have to say too, my friend. And what you'd recommend because I honestly have NO clue where to start :S I would love to give it a try though because you all get the best sounding books and honestly there aren't many ways for me to get these books. Not to mention some other issues....but we'll get into that some other time I'm sure.

    Yeah, I'm super excited! Lol...reading my first book for your challenge right now, so I'm sure I'll get to it soon probably : )

    And thanks. My day was just long yesterday I guess. I'm so glad to hear your day was good though! At least your evening sounded great to me ; ) Answered your text.
    Talk to you soon, I'm sure. I'll be around! Lol....home alone.

  10. Hannah,

    Again, sorry about not responding sooner!

    Oh, Renee is so helpful and good at giving advice! She was the one who helped me when I was first starting this blog. :) She's always great at answering questions! I'd be glad to give you some of my own advice, as well, hopefully sometime soon! Sorry I've been bad about responding lately. :(

    And way to go reading your first book for the challenge! I haven't even started...and it's my challenge! ;) I saw you were hosting your own challenge--how exciting! I confess that I think I have enough on my plate right now to commit to another challenge, but I hope it goes well for you, dear friend. And I hope you have a wonderful day! :)


  11. I love the quote you picked out, Amber! This sounds like a sweet story. I have a book by this author in my TBR pile, but I know I won't get to it this month :( . . . Maybe soon, though . . .

  12. Renee Ann,

    Isn't that a great quote? :D This is definitely a sweet, fun story--I highly recommend it! Which book by this author is in your TBR pile? Hope you enjoy it when you have some time!


  13. Great review, Amber! I have a couple books by this author in my TBR ;) and hope to get to them sometime this year! I really like that quote, too. Thanks for sharing :)


  14. Congratulations on winning the giveaway.
    A mystery book that is engaging and kind of book.

  15. Amanda,

    Thank you! Hope you get to read those books soon, and that you really enjoy them! ;)

    Thanks for stopping by!


  16. Michelle,

    Thanks! I was so happy to have won that particular day's giveaway, because I won Snowflake by Jamie Carie and this book. :D

    This book was my kind of book, too! ;) Hope you get to read it sometime!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!