
Monday, November 29, 2010

Winner and Upcoming Party!

The winner of last week's "Monday for the Military" giveaway is...


Congratulations! I'll be e-mailing you soon!

And as I'm sure most of you are aware of by now, there is a huge "Love Finds You" Blog Party headed your way in less than a week!!! Yes, it is almost time to party!!! Be sure and stop by Sunday through Friday (December 5-10) to find lots of great giveaways and fun surprises!

As for the rest of this week, I'm hoping to have a few book reviews for you and maybe even a review of Disney's latest release Tangled (in theaters now!). Have a wonderful Monday!


  1. I'm so glad KC won! What a perfect pairing! I'm sure she'll use what she learns to bless the vets she meets when she serves at the family retreats.

  2. I can't wait for your party!! Looks like it is going to be a blast! :) This is such a fun idea. :)

    Oh, I want to see Tangled!! I hope you get to see it and write a review, it looks like such a fun movie. :)

  3. I can't wait to hear your review for Tangled. My birthday is coming up and I'm hoping to go see this one with my family. :)

  4. Oh Tangled was SO AHMAZING!!!!!!! The previews make it look great, but it was even better than I thought it would be :D But bring Kleenex! My grandma and I cried through half of the movie, and even my grandpa cried at the end ;) But seriously, SUCH a good movie. I want it when it comes out on DVD. <3

  5. Heyyy Amber -

    WOW, I did??? Thank you EVER so much. I'm thrilled. Hopefully and prayerfully WILL put to use.

    You're so thoughtful.

    Love the look of your blog - so happy and Christmasy. Superb... Like YOU!

    Did you make it home safe and sound??

    Renee Ann - Jump in! The water's warm... Just go to the Joni & Friends site and check out family retreats. There will be another near San Antonio, TX the last week in April. I just got word yesterday.

    I've not seen/heard of Tangled. Will have to check that out. With the kudos here, I'm sure it's a winner!

    Merry Christmas one and all! (Can you BELIEVE we are SAYING this????)

    If anyone would like a marvelous report from the front lines in Afghanistan, let me know. Received one Saturday... and a true miracle was involved...

  6. Congratulations, KC!! May this book bless you richly! And, I would LOVE to here a praise report from the front lines!! I'm sure the front lines provide ground for some of the most amazing miracles :)

    Oh Amber, I can't wait to see Tangled! And, of course, read your review on it ;) And, I'm so looking forward to your Love Finds You Party!!

    Amanda Stanley

  7. Renee Ann,

    I know! :D I'm sure KC will use the book to bless others, too. She is such a great example!


  8. Casey,

    Me, either! :D I'm hoping it will be really fun for everyone--although your party is a hard act to follow! ;)

    I'm hoping to see Tangled with my roommate on Wednesday or some other time this week. That's sweet that you're looking forward to my review! :) I hope you get to see it soon, too!


  9. Julia,

    Thank you! I'm so glad you're looking forward to my review. :)

    And happy early birthday!!! How exciting!!! :D I hope you get to see Tangled, as well!


  10. Ariel,

    Wow! I'm so glad you loved the movie! :D It makes me even more excited to see it!!!

    Sounds great and really sweet! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. :)


  11. KC,

    You're more than welcome! Thanks should actually go to Jocelyn for asking the publisher to send me a review copy and a copy to give away. :) I know you'll use it well!

    I'm so glad you like the look of the blog, and thank you so much for your sweet compliment!

    I did indeed make it "home" (college) safe and sound, none the worse for wear despite some short delays. ;) Thanks for asking!

    I hope you get a chance to see Tangled, as well!

    And Merry Christmas to you, as well! It's so hard (but thrilling!) to think it's that time of year again!

    Of course you should share your story! Would love to hear about a miracle! :)


  12. Amanda,

    Thanks for stopping by and offering your congratulations to KC! :) You're so thoughtful!

    And I hope you get to see Tangled soon! We'll all have to compare thoughts!

    And can you belive it's almost time for the blog party?! Thank you for sharing in my excitement! :D



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!