
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Review of Courting Morrow Little

Here's a description of the book from Revell Publishing:

"Caught between the wilderness and civilization, Morrow Little must find her way to true love.

Morrow Little is haunted by the memory of the day her family was torn apart by raiding Shawnee warriors. Now that she is nearly a grown woman and her father is ailing, she must make difficult choices about the future. Several men--ranging from the undesired to the unthinkable--vie for her attentions, but she finds herself inexplicably drawn to a forbidden love that both terrifies and intrigues her. Can she betray the memory of her lost loved ones--and garner suspicion from her friends--by pursuing a life with him? Or should she seal her own misery by marrying a man she doesn't love?

This sweeping tale of romance and forgiveness will envelop you as it takes you from a Kentucky fort through the vast wilderness of the West."

My Rating: Summer

My Review:

This book is stunning—the word pictures, the emotion, and the romance all are beautiful! Frantz drew me into the story with her superb and engaging writing style, and I became enthralled with the masterpiece she painted for the reader. The setting is absolutely gorgeous, and it was wonderful to visit Kentucke again after having read The Frontiersman’s Daughter. There are even references back to her first book, and I enjoyed having a different perspective on some of Frantz’ previous characters.

Besides the exquisite descriptions of the landscape, what really kept me reading into the early hours of the morning multiple nights was the romance. Oh my! Where do I begin? The romance is introduced slowly, like small drops of rain offering relief to the parched soil. But soon the passion builds into a cascading waterfall (just like the ones present in both of Frantz’ books). I couldn’t help but be moved by the love between Morrow and the man she chooses to wed! It’s a hard journey to those blissful marriage vows, one full of heartache and uncertainty, but one that ultimately finds forgiveness and joy.

This is an exceptional story about tender, exciting, and amazing love! With great lessons about the need to let go of prejudice and the importance of learning to trust the Lord and loved ones, this book has it all, flawlessly woven together and far from being “preachy.” It is with great satisfaction and pleasure that I write this review and ponder this book. I very highly recommend it!


  1. Oh I ADORED this book, so happy you enjoyed it as well!

  2. Amber, Oh, you've given me a wonderful gift this morning - Ruth, bless you, too! I love reading your insights here and know you might have fallen a little in love with my hero right along with me. This book was a joy to write and I miss those characters so much. So thankful you're my reader!! Bless you for a wonderful, heartfelt post.

  3. Amber,

    Beautiful review! I have this lovely book in my TBR pile and I'm moving it to the top! Sounds wonderful.


  4. Ruth,

    Thank you! I just LOVED it, and I'm also glad to hear that you did, too! :D


  5. Laura,

    YOU gave ME a wonderful gift by writing this book and sharing it with others! It is beautiful, and God has certainly used you in a mighty way! :D

    I certainly did fall in love with the hero--so protective and tender, while also steadfast in his convictions. :)

    I'm so glad I read this story, and I can't wait to read The Colonel's Lady!!!


  6. Sue,

    I'm so glad you liked the review! I just know you'll LOVE this book--it's amazing! :D Happy reading!


  7. This book is definitely a "summer" I'm so glad you loved it but I knew you would. It is FOR SURE one of, if not my favorite book of the year. I'm going to have to start now if I'm going to choose books for my Must Reads of 2010 list because it is going to be sooo hard to narrow it down but this book is definitely going to be on that list. LOVE IT and LOVE your review! :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  8. Renee,

    For sure!!! I almost wanted to give it a "Blazing Hot Summer" rating or something like that. ;) I agree that this should definitely go on your "Must Reads of 2010" list. :) I wonder if I should do a list like that at the end of the year... Do you find that your readers like having a list of the best books of 2010? Of course, let me know if you don't want me to be a copycat. ;)

    Thank you for your sweet words! :D


  9. Laura's books are excellent, aren't they? They have substance and lovely words and Godly wisdom and romance and charming characters . . . So glad you liked this one, Amber. I loved your review! (And I can't wait for her next book, The Colonel's Lady, to come out this summer.)

  10. Renee Ann,

    Oh, yes! :D You describe them very well. Her books have it all! :)

    I'm glad you liked my review! And I am definitely looking forward to the release of The Colonel's Lady, as well!!! :D


  11. When I go to my parents' house, I drive through the Red River area. I remembered you were planning to read CML over Thanksgiving. I thought about you as I was driving through that area.
    Definitely a book that will go on my top ten list of 2010.

  12. Michelle,

    That is so neat! I imagine it must be simply beautiful. :D

    And you're so sweet to think of me and to remember I was going to be reading this book! Thank you! :D

    And yes--this is should be in the top ten of 2010 for sure!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!