
Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Review of A Tailor-Made Bride

Here's a description of the book from Bethany House Publishers:

"When a dressmaker who values beauty tangles with a liveryman who condemns vanity, the sparks begin to fly!

Jericho 'J.T.' Tucker wants nothing to do with Coventry, Texas's new dressmaker. He's all too familiar with her kind--shallow women more devoted to fashion than true beauty. Yet, except for her well-tailored clothing, this seamstress is not at all what he expected.

Hannah Richards is confounded by the man who runs the livery. The unsmiling fellow riles her with his arrogant assumptions and gruff manner while at the same time stirring her heart with unexpected acts of kindness. Which side of Jericho Tucker reflects the real man?

When Hannah decides to help Jericho's sister catch a beau--leading to uproarious consequences for the whole town--will Jericho and Hannah find a way to bridge the gap between them?"

My Rating: Summer

My Review:

Reading this book was like going shopping and finding just the right dress—thrilling, delightful, and satisfying! I absolutely loved this book! It was filled with memorable characters, biblical principles, and a swoon-worthy romance. How could I not fall in love?

The author has an engaging writing style, and I devoured this book faster than Ike devoured Cordelia’s cooking in the story! I was touched by the characters’ growth, and I felt that Hannah set a wonderful example for me as a God-fearing, kind character. And I really enjoyed all the details—from the dress shop to the Founder’s Day picnic, I was enthralled.

For those who love Christian historical romance, this is a must-read! I highly recommend it!

*With thanks to author Laura Frantz, who generously sent me a copy of the book because she knew how much I wanted to read it. Thank you, Laura! I was not disappointed in the least. ;) *


  1. OH -- great review! I just finished Head in the Clouds by the same author and LOVED it! She does an excellent job in the romantic development department. I'm still swooning! LOL. I'm definitely picking up this one next time I'm at the store.

    And I love your Christmas look, by the way. It looks like kitty is getting into the presies early.

  2. Soooo glad you finally got to read this one!! :)

    And i love your new background! I plan on changing mine for the Christmas season, too. I actually wondered how you were going to "decorate" your blog for this season. (Whether you would change the background 4 or 5 times a year). :)

  3. Amber, Sooo happy you were able to read a Texas book in Texas!!! That seems uber appropriate:) And bless you for the mention here. You are so thoughtful!

  4. Oh Amber, I just LOVE your review!! And, I think your opening line in genius! I just finished Head in the Clouds and am trying to think up a review to do it justice! I'm excited for her new book coming out next year titled "To Win Her Heart"- I'm sure it will be fantastic, too!! And, the cover is so beautiful, look more like TMB than HITC- and, the hero certainly looks... shall we say... powerful ;)

    And, I think your Christmas design is so very beautiful :) Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend, and I'll talk to you soon!

    Amanda Stanley

  5. Kav,

    Thank you! I'm so glad to hear you loved Head in the Clouds--I told my mom that it would make a good Christmas gift. ;) Karen Whitemeyer is definitely great at writing romance!

    Glad you like the Christmas look! Muffin Man loves Christmas decorations--lots of fun for him to bat around with his paws! ;)


  6. Bluerose,

    Me, too! I just LOVED it! :D

    I'm so glad you like the Christmas background--can't wait to see yours! And I'm also glad that you don't mind me having 5 "seasons" this year! ;)


  7. Laura,

    I'm so, so thankful that you sent me this book! I enjoyed it so much! :D I actually finished it the night before I left for Texas, but that was fun to read it right before I came. :)

    And guess what?! I just finished reading Courting Morrow Little, and Laura--what can I say?--I LOVED it!!! I stayed up so late one night because I simply couldn't put the book down! Oh, Red Shirt... Laura, you are an amazing author! Can't wait to write my review of the book!


  8. Amanda,

    Thank you! I had fun writing the review, although I'm sorry it isn't longer. Oh, well! I can't wait to read your review of Head in the Clouds--I'm sure it will be fabulous! And I can't wait to read the book for myself (hoping my parents might get it for me for Christmas!). :)

    To Win Her Heart looks GREAT, too! And I think you're right--the cover looks a lot more like ATMB than HITC. Very pretty, though, and that hero does look quite strong! ;)

    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, as well, and I'm glad you like the new design!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!