
Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Holiday Season

In the past I've waited to change blog backgrounds until the official change of seasons (or thereabouts). However, I wanted to change the blog design early this time, before the official start of winter in late December, because the "holiday season" is upon us! I think this "season" should have its own blog design for now. I just love this time of year!

As a college student, my heart is singing "I'll Be Home for Christmas." I'm so excited for Christmas and New Year's Eve, and being home with my family in California! So I hope you don't mind that I've kicked off the festivities early and started celebrating Christmas-time here on my blog. It would be hard to keep that autumn background all the way up until a few days before Christmas, when winter officially begins! Maybe I'll have to keep this blog design up for the month of December, and change to an official "winter" background at the start of the new year. We'll see how it goes...

By the way, the picture above is of my sister's cat (Muffin Man) at our home last Christmas sitting on the window seat looking intently at a present. Isn't he cute? (Don't be fooled, though--he's still a feisty kitty!) I would love to hear your thoughts on the new color scheme, background, picture, etc. I think the picture above is fitting: a picture of the comfort of home, with the gifts a reminder of how blessed we are and what a gift blogging and meeting all of you has been for me! May the Lord use me to be a blessing to all of you, and may the picture above remind me to be generous and share love with others.

Anyway, sorry for the rambling! I am having a marvelous time with a group of my relatives here in Texas! They have welcomed me with open arms, and I have been making such sweet memories with my dad's side of the family. I love them so!

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and now may the countdown to Christmas begin!


  1. Love the Christmas look! And I'm so glad the picture is of your home. I was hoping it was a "real" place in your life and not a generic image from the internet--its too special for that! Glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving . . . And another reason for your festive blog background: it's almost time for your big event!

  2. I love the new layout Amber! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  3. Renee Ann,

    Thank you! :) I thought it would be nice to have a picture of my home, as well--it will make me even more excited about going there to celebrate Christmas with my family in a few weeks!

    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, as well! And yes--it's fun to have a new design to help celebrate the big "Love Finds You" Blog Party!!! Glad you're excited! :D


  4. Joy,

    Awww, thank you! I did have a great Thanksgiving, and I hope you did, as well! :D


  5. Love the new background! And great kitty picture, too cute!

  6. Ruth,

    Thank you! I love it, too! I'm so glad they have sites where they offer free backgrounds. :)

    And I'm glad you like the picture, as well! I think one of my parents took it last year at Christmastime. Muffin Man loves presents! ;)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!