
Thursday, November 4, 2010

"Love Finds You" Blog Party Announcement

Now, before you get too excited, this party is still about a month away. However, I wanted to draw your attention to the new page I put up (at the bottom of the "Pages" list in the sidebar), which will give you all the fun details of this week-long celebration!

I do hope you all will be able to attend, because there are going to be some great guests and some fabulous giveaways!!!

And to see what inspired this party, be sure to check out my interview during Casey's blogoversary for her blog Writing for Christ (see the button in the sidebar). Lots of fun going on in the blogging world!


  1. You didn't give anything away Amber! You had nothing to worry about. :) I can't wait to join in, you are so creative, I love it!! You need to bead with me sometime... :)

  2. Casey,

    Oh, good! :) I'm so glad you offered to join in the fun--you are so sweet! And thank you for the compliment! I love coming up with different themes and such, and I have definitely been inspired by your plans for your blogoversary, as well as parties that Hannah and Ashley have hosted. :)

    And yes, we should bead together sometime! I don't think I'm very good at it, but it would be a lot of fun! :) I hope we get a chance to visit each other soon!


  3. Oooo fun! Amber you always come up with awesome ideas. Can't wait!

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. Renee,

    Thank you! I'm so glad you're excited about this, too! :D And the authors/friends I've talked to have all been so generous, so it is going to be one big, wonderful party, indeed! Giveaways galore!



  5. I am all over this! Books and parties and giveaways! My readership is small but I'd be happy to advertise this as it gets closer. Let me know . . .

  6. Renee Ann,

    I know! Isn't it exciting?! :D

    That would be so great of you to advertise the party--thank you! I wish I was as skilled as Casey and could make a really cool blog button for the party, but my attempt did not turn out very good, so I guess I'll just have to make do without one. ;) So spreading the news would be much appreciated!


  7. Beading takes NO creativity, why do you think I'm doing it. :) And lol, just saw your comment above, I am NOT skilled on buttons, just very determined. :) It would be tremendous fun to see you in person!!

  8. Casey,

    Well, I'm sure it must take some creativity! ;) You are a very creative person, Casey!

    And skill or determination--you're a lot better at making blog buttons than me! ;)

    Soon! I hope we get to meet soon! :D



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!