
Friday, November 5, 2010

Fall Friday

Well, it is Friday and it is still fall, so it makes sense to have another "Fall Friday" post today. As far as having something brilliant to say on the subject, though, I might be found a bit lacking. ;)

Reading is a great past time. And reading and fall somehow go hand-in-hand, right? I mean, it's delightful to think about colorful fall leaves, the last remnants of warmth before winter, and enjoying it all while reading an engaging book, right?


So, today I'm going to talk about books. Due to my interest in the "Love Finds You" book series recently (click HERE to see the main reason why), I found myself browsing to see if the upcoming "Love Finds You" books were listed with their covers. And guess what I found? Beautiful, fabulous covers! Want to see?

These are just a couple of examples of the "Love Finds You" books coming out next year (April 2011 for these two). Aren't they lovely? I absolutely adore the Prince Edward Island cover--it reminds me of Anne of Green Gables and is so beautifully done!

Just thought I would get you all to share in my excitement. ;) What are you reading right now? I'm reading Within My Heart by Tamera Alexander, and soon I hope to be reading Hatteras Girl by Alice Wisler and maybe Nightingale by Susan May Warren (if it comes in the mail soon!).

*blissful sigh*

I love books!


  1. I've been reading Susan Page Davis's books lately as fast as I can get my hands on them!! The P.E.I. cover is sooo beautiful, and thank God, it's less than 6 months away from it's release! :o)

  2. LOVE those covers! I must admit that the Summerside book covers have been my least favorite this year but those are great! They're already on my wishlist. I can't wait!

    XOXO~ Renee

  3. Ohhh, love that Prince Edward Island one!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Christy,

    I read Wyoming Brides quite a while ago, and I remember really enjoying it. :) I haven't read any of her more recent novels yet.

    Isn't that cover gorgeous? :D And it will be releasing *somewhat* soon, which is exciting!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  5. Renee,

    Me, too! I was so excited when I saw them! There are a couple of other new LFY covers on, as well--you should check them out! :)

    I guess some of the Summerside ones haven't been the best, but some of them have been lovely, too (like LFY in Lahaina, Hawaii and LFY in Sugarcreek, Ohio). But yes, these new ones are GREAT! :D


  6. Casey,

    I know! It is so beautiful, and since I absolutely LOVE Anne of Green Gables, this cover made me super happy! :D


  7. Happy Friday, Amber! I really need to get my hands on some Love Finds You books! You always speak so highly of them and they all look so pretty! I like of the Martha's Vineyard cover- probably because it's the only book in that series closest to my own state (I think?) ;) But, the Prince Edward Island one is giving me a craving to head over to Youtube and search "Avonlea"- you can find so many episodes of it on there! If only they made shows like that nowadays...

    That Love Finds You Blog Party sounds like lots of fun!! I definitely be there :D

    And, I hope you're enjoying Within My Heart! Can't wait for your review of it ;) Right now I'm reading Head in the Clouds by Karen Witemeyer, and I just have one word to say about it- WOW!!! Her writing will just blow your mind, especially considering this is only her second book- where has this lady been all this time?!! Just a few chapters into it and I can't count how many times I've laughed! It's not a comedy, but Karen has such a quick wit and writes characters that you can easily identify with. I know you have A Tailor-Made Bride on your "to-read" list and I hope you get to read it soon, so you can understand what I mean! ;) HITC is different than AT-MB, but they're both equally wonderful in their own right :)

    Praying you have a beautiful weekend, my friend! And, BTW, Fall Friday's are great days to talk about books! ;)

    Amanda Stanley

  8. Amanda,

    Happy Friday to you, as well! First of all, I have to say that I got your e-mail today, and it was so, so encouraging! It means so much to me that your e-mails, comments, etc. are always so deep and heartfelt. You are a wonderful, amazing friend!

    Be looking for my reply e-mail sometime soon (hopefully!). ;)

    The "Love Finds You" books are great! You should definitely stop by for the party, because there will be a lot of giveaways featuring "Love Finds You" books, and you just might win one! :D

    And oh!!! Thank you so, so much for telling me about the YouTube thing! The Avonlea series is extremely dear to me, which is going to make it hard for me to decide whether or not I should watch an episode or two without being with my grandparents... I'll have to think about that. But I'm so glad to know that they're there (along with some Christy episodes!!!)--such a beautiful, beautiful T.V. series. There has never been any other like Avonlea. :)

    I am enjoying Within My Heart, and I'm eager to read more (probably tonight!). :D And I'm glad to hear you're enjoying Head in the Clouds! It sounds fabulous!

    I'm so excited to read A Tailor-Made Bride. Laura offered to send me a copy, and I'm so eager to read it after all the wonderful things that have been said about it! :D

    Hope your weekend is beautiful, as well, dear friend! I truly think we are kindred spirits. :)


  9. This has been a gruesome week so I'm behind as ususal! I have only read one Love Finds You...the one about the underground railroad and I enjoyed it. I'm very intrigued by the Prince Edward Island one! It's the first I've seen set outside the states and I really like Susan Page Davis so that will be something to keep an eye out for.

  10. I'm sorry this week hasn't been very good for you! :(

    I'm glad you enjoyed the one LFY book you have read, though! I'm definitely intrigued by the Prince Edward Island one, too, and it's the first one I recall seeing set outside the states, as well. :) I hope you get to read it!



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