
Monday, May 17, 2010

Let's Go Camping!

Welcome to Camp Humility!

I admit, the title of this week's posts can be a bit deceiving. What I really want is for this week to be more like summer camp, rather than actually "roughing it." (Let's say we're on a summer retreat in a nice home in the woods like the one pictured above that my family and I stayed in last summer in Sunriver, OR.)

Now, here's the itinerary so you can make sure you're all packed for a fun and refreshing week!
  • Monday (Today): Welcome/Giveaway announcement
  • Tuesday: Rafting
  • Wednesday: Hiking and night game
  • Thursday: Mail call!
  • Friday: Crafts
  • Saturday: Farewell

On top of these posts, I'm planning on posting in the evening (Monday-Friday). These evening posts will be our time around the campfire, with devotions and stories (except for Wednesday, which will be a fun night game!). At the last campfire Friday night, I will announce the winners of the giveaways.

Yes, you heard me correctly. Giveaways (plural). From my own collection (for anyone interested), I will be giving away a gently used copy of A Bride in the Bargain by Deeane Gist and a gently used copy of Twice Loved by Lori Copeland.

Here are the details:

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post saying which book drawing you would like to be entered in (choose only one).
  • For extra entries, leave a comment on any of the posts between now and Friday evening (let's say 6:00 p.m. PST). Only one extra entry per post (although feel free to leave as many comments as you want!).
  • You must have a U.S. mailing address.
  • You must leave your e-mail in your first entry comment.
Here are the details on the books:

A Bride in the Bargain

From Bethany House Publishers: "The Wedding Is All Planned...Someone Just Needs to Tell the Bride
In 1860s Seattle, redwoods were plentiful but women scarce. Yet a man with a wife could secure 640 acres of timberland for free.
Joe Denton doesn't have a wife, though. His died before she could follow him to Seattle and now the local judge is threatening to take away his claim. In desperation, he buys himself a Mercer bride--one of the eastern widows and orphans brought to the Territory by entrepreneur Asa Mercer.
Anna Ivey's journey west with Mercer is an escape from the aftermath of the Civil War. She signed on to become a cook--not a bride. When she's handed over to Denton, her stubborn refusal to wed jeopardizes his land. With only a few months before he loses all he holds dear, can he convince this provoking, but beguiling, easterner to become his lawfully wedded wife?"

Twice Loved

From HarperCollinsPublishers: "Willow Madison and her friends Copper and Audrey taught school in neighboring Texas towns until the Yankees rode in and burned them out. In the midst of fear and chaos, survivors banded together to fight for what remained of their homes. Then word reached the people that the terrible war was over.
Now penniless but still hopeful, Willow vows she will take care of her friends, and her ailing uncle, in Thunder Ridge, Texas, even if it means having to marry wealthy Silas Sterling, a man thirty years her senior. But standing in her way is sawmill owner Tucker Gray, with his enticing eyes and infuriating headstrong manner—the man Willow cannot get out of her head . . . or her heart. Even though her friends beg her not to give up her dream of happiness, Willow is determined to do the right thing for those who are dearest to her. But which path does God want Willow to take: a life of duty and commitment . . . or a life of everlasting love?"

There you have it! Don't feel like you have to read and comment on every post, but please visit whenever you get a chance.

Sign-up in the comments and let me know you'll be joining us at camp this week! Hope to see you soon!


  1. Wow! This is such a fun idea! I could have never come up with it LOL! I'd like to be signed up to win Twice Loved! I just got book three in the series but haven't had the chance to get this one!

    Thank you! :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Ahhhh.... They both sound so good! Hm... I think I'll enter for Twice Loved. :)


    I look forward to this week! I love that you're making it like summer camp with a different activity each day. I can't wait to see them all!

  3. I posted your giveaway on my blog ;-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. You're so creative! I love it! :) Please enter me for Twice Loved. I just read A Bride in the Bargain and it's now one of my favorites! bluerose_shelnut(at)yahoo(dot)com

  5. Wow! I go downstairs to workout and come back to all these lovely comments! Thank you so much to all of you! I love doing these themed weeks, and it means so much to me that you're enjoying them, too!!!

    Renee: Thank you for posting my giveaway on your blog! You did it so creatively, too (using my blog button)--I was wondering if anybody would really want to try how I posted the giveaways in my sidebar. ;) Also, consider yourself entered in the drawing. And thanks for making me smile with your sweet words!

    Ariel: Thanks for your entry! And thank you so much for your enthusiasm--I really do appreciate it! I can't wait to see what comes of this week, too! :)

    bluerose_shelnut: Thanks for your entry, and thank you for your kindness! I read A Bride in the Bargain when I was at college, and I read through it at lightning speed. My roommate and I even brought books down to dinner one Friday (I was reading ABITB), and we sat across from each other while being absorbed in our books! ;)

    Hope to see ya'll around again soon! And would it be alright if I begged for you to check out the night game on Wednesday? I think it will be super fun if we can get more people to participate!

    Thanks again!


  6. Hi Amber

    Have to agree with everyone that this is a very creative idea. :)

    Love the picture of the house in the woods...reminds me of the Smokey Mountains. I love the Smokey much that I got married there.:)

    Well since I've already read and enjoyed A Bride in the Bargain please enter me for Twice Loved.

    Sundaisy920 at gmail dot com

    Thank you!

  7. I saw your givaway listed on Renee's blog! :) Please enter me for A Bride in the Bargain.

  8. Great to see some new campers! ;)

    Angie: Thanks! And isn't that home beautiful? Sunriver, Oregon is a wonderful place to vacation in during the summer! That's so sweet about getting married in the Smokey Mountains. :) That reminds me of "Christy"--I've seen the TV series/movies, and I'm hoping to read the book soon! Anyway, thanks for your entry and comment!

    Donna: Great to meet you! Any friend of Renee's is a friend of mine. :) Thanks for your entry!


  9. "Attention!!"
    *standing tall, arm up in a salute*
    "Yes, ma'am, yes!"
    "Let me see you march until your boots wear thin and your feet bleed!!" *insert evil laugh here*

    *startle, wake up*
    Hmmmm!? What?!'s not that kind of camp? You mean my mom didn't ship me off to boot camp for a week?

    .......... (*thinking*)

    YAY!!!! *balloons and streamers*

    Whoops! *scurry to pick up before I litter too much out here in the forest*


    What a fun start to the week!!!! I can't wait to see how it goes! Especially Thursday...I LOVE getting mail! ; )

    Okay, about the books....which would you recommend! I don't know...they both sound so good!

    Okay, back to working on scholarships! Talk to you soon!

    "Attention!!!!!" Aw, only kidding!

  10. Oh, wow!

    Hannah: You are too, too funny! Thanks to your great descriptions, I could picture all of that in my head. Thanks for the laugh! ;) Nope--its not boot camp! And I'm glad that you're excited about that fact!

    As for the books, I have read both (as they are both from my vast library--mountains of books as tall as Everest!--or something like that!). Anyway, right now it looks like there's only one person going for A Bride in the Bargain, so it looks like you might have better odds of winning there. ;) But you wanted to know about the books...

    So, if you like sweet romances and a fun read (like a little daytrip somewhere out West), than I would recommend Twice Loved. If you like romances that make you fan yourself and that make your heart flutter (but the story might be lacking a bit of real substance besides romance), than I would recommend A Bride in the Bargain. (Not that ABITB wasn't good, but it was one that I enjoyed more for the sake of a fast-paced romance than something that really touched me.)

    Hope that helps!

    "And make your decision fast, soldier!"
    To which you would reply: "Ma'am, yes, ma'am!"

    Just having some fun! ;)


  11. "Ma'am, yes, ma'am!!!!!" *screams*

    I think I'll try for the A Bride in the Bargain....I difficult to decide!! They both sound good.....Is Twice Loved the first in a series?

    *start marching*

  12. Hannah: Good! You're learning quickly to obey me!!! (Just kidding!) ;)

    Twice Loved is indeed the first in the series. I actually just looked on (just to make sure I was right), and I saw that the second book (Three Times Blessed) is listed at a bargain price! Only $3.91! (An interesting and rather random price, but at least it's low!)

    Anyway, in all honesty you have until Friday to decide, so don't feel rushed. :) Unless of course, you don't want to do 50 push-ups (and I'm talking man push-ups here...). ;)


  13. So since this is camp, is there like pranks being pulled, shaving cream in pillows, and other nasty stuff I can't think of??

    Hee, hee. WHAT A FUN IDEA! Very creative. :) Thanks for the invite. I would love to be entered for DeeAnne's book. Thanks. :)

    Email in profile.

  14. Casey: Feel free to pull some pranks (on others of course, not me!). But let's not get too out of hand, now! (Although I'm always up for a laugh.) Unfortunately for all of my lovely campers, you just gave me some great food for thought... ;)

    Anway, thank you very much, Casey! I'm so glad you like the idea, and it's very fun to have another camper enrolled. :) Thanks for the entry!


  15. OMW Amber, what I fun and fantastic idea! This week is going to be so much fun, I just know it! CAn't wait to see what you've got instore for us! And I would love to enter your giveaway for A Bride in the Bargain. I got it from the library a while back (a long while back) and LOVED it but, never bought it (too poor;D). LOL Can't wait to go rafting with y'all tomorrow!;)
    Love Ya,

  16. Ashley: Thank you, Ashley! I'm excited, too!!! So great to have you join us (and you made it just in time--I wouldn't want to have to shut the cabin door on you!). ;)

    Thanks for your entry! See you at the river tomorrow! (Don't forget to wear something that can get wet, including sandals--not flip-flops! Just some friendly advice for our rafting trip.) ;)


  17. a wonderful posting...
    please add my name in your drawing for 'a bride in the bargain.'

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  18. Hi Karen! Great to have you join us! :)

    Thanks for your entry, and feel free to participate in any of our past events or upcoming events this week (a comment on any of this week's posts gives you an extra entry--one extra entry per post!).



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!