
Monday, May 17, 2010

Campfire: First Evening

It's a bit chilly, so feel free to scoot closer to the fire! And I think there might be some fixings for smores on the picnic table yonder, so help yourself!

I realize that it's a bit early for a campfire (at least here in California, anyway!), but I hope that's OK with all of you. (If any of you who are reading this are a bit confused about the camping theme, feel free to see my post from earlier today--that should clear everything up for you!)

Anyway, welcome to the first evening of Camp Humility!

It's great to sit around a campfire and feel its warmth. And when it gets dark, it's so nice to have the light from the flames offer comfort--drawing people like moths while also drawing out deep thoughts. I'm not sure whether I associate a campfire more with songs and stories, or with silent comraderie as each person is lost in reveries. I suppose there is a place for both.

Psalm 18:28 says, "For thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness" (KJV).

Psalm 43:3 says, "O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles" (KJV).

And Psalm 119:130 says, "The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple" (KJV).

God offers us light--through His word, His guidance, and His very presence--and that light gives us fellowship with Him and also causes us to see a little more clearly His work in the world (and thus gives us reason to think more deeply). Jesus said, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life" (John 8:12b). Jesus offers Himself as a light. He Himself is the light which brings us both closeness with God and thoughtful silence in our inability to fully comprehend His great love and His great plan.

As we stare into the flames of the fire tonight, let yourself be warmed by God's love and awed into silence by that same love. Our God is an amazing God!

So good to have you join me this evening. Be sure to get plenty of sleep so that you're ready for our rafting adventure tomorrow!


  1. Wow, Amber! You certainly have a way with words. It definitely is chilly up here in Vermont, but I'm feeling the warmth : )

    Can't wait for rafting tomorrow! I've been white water rafting in California and it was a great deal of fun! Can't wait to see how it goes!

    Steps to a perfect smore:
    1) Find the PERFECT stick, pointy on the end, not too thick, but not too skinny
    2) Put three marshmallows on the stick (can never have too many)
    3) Place over a flame, you need to get the perfect cook of your marshmallow
    4) Make sure to blow out the flame on your now burnt marshmallow
    5) Place onto prepared graham cracker and chocolate bottom
    6) Add the chocolate and graham cracker top
    7) Enjoy the perfect smore!!

    (Steps to a perfect smore may be copied, this is approval from the author)


  2. Hannah,

    Thank you! I hope that God can use me to encourage others and remind them of His love. :)

    I'm so glad you could join me around the campfire tonight! And thanks for sharing the perfect smore tips--although you're making me wish I could find that picnic table I was talking about with all of the ingredients for smores on it! I can't seem to recall which picnic table I was referring to... ;)

    And I'm excited for rafting, too! I've been rafting in Oregon and California (which I suppose is not as big a deal for me as it is for you, since you live all the way on the East Coast!). You'll hear more about my experiences tomorrow, though!

    Again, so glad to have you here! Care to join me in some campfire songs? :)


  3. That was beautiful, Amber and so true. Are God is a god of light and wamrth and so awesome it's hard to comprehend. Thanks do much for this fun week and can't wait for tomorrow!
    Love Ya,

  4. Ashley,

    Thanks for your sweet comment! I agree: God's goodness and grace are beyond comprehension.

    I'm so glad you could join Hannah and I around the campfire. (I'm thinking everyone else is already fast asleep!) ;) I'm so glad everyone is having fun, and I'm excited for more fun camp events, too!


  5. Mmmmm, I love campfires :) They remind me of the time I was at camp and poured my heart out to my cabin... Hard, but it was worth it :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. I am loving this theme! And with how chilly and rainy it is today in my area of south-central PA, I'm more than happy to curl up by a campfire! :)


  7. Ariel,

    I love campfires, too! And there is something about them that makes sharing with others easier, perhaps.

    Good to see you here! :)


  8. Cerella,

    Thanks so much for joining us! We're more than happy to share the warmth of our campfire with you! :)


  9. Ditto what Cerella said! I'm a PA girl too and it's been so cloudy and rainy a campfire sounds real gooood! I love the theme this week and the devotional keeping with the theme of light!

    XOXO~ Renee

  10. Hi Renee!

    Good to see you. :) It's not raining here right now, but I wouldn't mind having a campfire either!

    Hope God can use my blog to encourage you and all of my other readers!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!