
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Next Read-Along Options and a Personal Update

Happy last day of November! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)

I've been thinking ahead to the next read-along and hoping it might work in January, after the busyness of the holidays. And I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Which of these books would you prefer to read and discuss together to kick off 2020?

by Johanna Spyri

by Catherine Marshall

I think either book could work well in the month time frame. Let me know in the comments section if you have a preference!

This might be the last read-along for a little while, as Josh and I are gearing up for a big life change...

We're thrilled to be expecting our first child in March! A baby girl we can't wait to meet and hold and raise and love. ♥ She's already a cherished member of our little family!

I'll be entering my third trimester of pregnancy in December, and as long as everything continues to go smoothly, I think January could be a great month for one more read-along. Not to say that there won't ever be more necessarily! But I imagine things will be a little uncertain around here as we adjust to a new rhythm and figure out a new schedule.

I'm not really sure what my blogging or writing will look like in the days to come. I know I've left stories unfinished (like Maya's story) and a book idea unpublished (Morning Glory), and I'm so sorry to have started and marketed projects like that without following through at this point. :( I confess I haven't really worked on stories in quite a while, and I have no idea if/when that might change.

I don't want to say I'll never return to writing or publishing books! I'm just unsure. And I want to be better about not publicly celebrating a book without having done the hard work of writing beforehand. I've craved the excitement and attention that comes with a new idea or a new cover, and I've let down my readers by getting ahead of myself and making promises I haven't kept. For that, I sincerely apologize to you all. ♥

* * * * *

I'm grateful for each of my reader friends and all those I've met around the blogosphere! And I hope to continue chatting about books and life together. :) Speaking of, I'd love to hear about how the holiday season is going for you, what books have recently made an impression on you, or any life updates you'd like to share!


  1. Eeeep!!!!! That's so exciting, Amber!!! I totally understand that you are going to put blogging and writing to the side, better things are coming into your life!!!!!

    I've read Heidi before, but would love to discuss it some more! After reading Christy I would be interested in Julie, too, so either one works!

  2. Amber!!! Congrats, my friend! What wonderfully exciting news! I am so thrilled for you. :) Also, I completely understand about how life just sort of gets in the way of writing or whatever else we may want to do. I feel like I've dropped off the radar so many places online and I miss all of it so. Yet my wifi options aren't as plentiful as they used to be, nor is my time like it once way. *sigh* However! The small bits of time that happen are still wonderful, so we'll just be grateful for the small things, right? :) Sending excited hugs your way, friend!! :D

  3. Congrats. When it comes to read along either book is fine with me. Heidi was a childhood favorite one that I do believe you will enjoy sharing with your daughter when she's old enough. Prayers for you.

  4. Congratulations, friend!!! I am very happy and excited for you!

  5. MovieCritic,

    Aww, thank you so much for your sweet words and understanding!! ♥

    And thank you for sharing your thoughts on the read-along options! Looking forward to hopefully discussing another book with you soon. :)


  6. Kara,

    Thank you so much, friend!! *hugs back*

    I so agree that the small bits of time and the little ways we still connect are wonderful, and I'm grateful for those moments too. :) In that vein, thank you for stopping by and commenting! It's always a pleasure to connect once again online!


  7. Carissa,

    Thank you very much for your kind words and prayers! ♥

    That's neat to know Heidi was a childhood favorite for you, and I'm definitely excited at the thought of sharing reading experiences with our daughter. :) Looking forward to hopefully discussing another book with you in the New Year!


  8. Courtney,

    Aww, thank you very much, friend!! I so appreciate you stopping by, and thank you for sharing my excitement!


  9. I'm up for either book to read. And of course my congrats for baby :)

  10. Julie,

    Awesome! And thank you so much! :)


  11. How exciting, Amber! Congratulations to you and Josh! :)

  12. Miranda,

    Thank you for sharing our excitement, friend! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!