
Monday, November 18, 2019

Literary Christmas Reading Challenge 2019 (Signing Up and Sharing My List!)

I found out about the Literary Christmas Reading Challenge through Hamlette (author Rachel Kovaciny) at her blog The Edge of the Precipice. (Thank you for posting about it, Rachel!) I've had plans to read/reread a few Christmas books this year, and I thought it would be fun to join this lovely challenge and highlight the books I'm revisiting.

Also, isn't the banner so pretty and festive??

The challenge is hosted by Tarissa at In the Bookcase. Here are the details:
  • Pick a Christmas book (or more than one!) to read or reread this holiday season.
  • Sign up by posting about the challenge on your blog or a social media account.
  • Link your post to Tarissa's main challenge post HERE.
  • Post about the book(s) you read and link up those posts, too, to share the book love!
The challenge takes place November 8 through December 31, 2019. You can learn more and find all of Tarissa's challenge posts at In the Bookcase.

Tarissa is also hosting a really neat giveaway for US residents! You don't have to participate in the challenge to enter, but you can get extra entries in the drawing if you do. :) Click the image below to check it out...

Here's what I'm planning to read for the challenge:

The Sound of Sleigh Bells by Cindy Woodsmall

I actually started reading this the other day, so I'm already through a couple chapters. :) My uncle gave me a copy last year, I believe, and this is one of those books that I'm not quite sure if I've read before or not... I have read a few other books by this author, which I've enjoyed, and whether this is a new-to-me read or an old-but-not-terribly-familiar friend, I'm looking forward to continuing this story!

A Cliché Christmas by Nicole Deese

This book basically made my favorites list for 2015, although I technically read it in 2014. Here's what I said back then: "This poor book fell through the cracks, as I read it after I announced my favorites of 2014, but before 2015 officially began. I have to mention it now, though, because I marked it as a favorite back then and found it to be a delightful Christmas romance. I'm thinking a re-read might be in order at some point."

So, here we are! It's been about five years, so I think a reread is definitely warranted. :)

This was my introduction to the delightful Cindy Vincent and her books back in 2013, and I loved it! I enjoyed editing this little gem, which features two lovable cat detectives, and then hosting a blog tour for the book. This year I'd like to revisit this precious installment of the Buckley and Bogey Cat Detective Capers and experience the Christmas charm once again.

* * * * *

I don't plan to write full reviews of these books, but I'm hoping to at least share a few thoughts and highlight the stories again during the challenge!

Don't forget, if you'd like to participate in the challenge, check out In the Bookcase. I'd love to know if you sign up and what Christmas books are on your reading list this year!

*Banner and giveaway image are from In the Bookcase.


  1. Hi Amber,
    Welcome to A Literary Christmas! I'm so glad you joined us this year. What a fun holiday booklist you have planned. Those cats on the last book sure look like they're up to something -- lol!

    Can't wait to hear what you think of your Christmas reads.

    Until then... Merry reading!


  2. Tarissa,

    Thanks so much! And thank you for hosting this event. :)

    Yes, those cat detectives are always up to something...and always on the case, hehe. ;) It's a fun series!

    Merry reading to you, as well!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!