
Monday, October 14, 2019

A Thought-Stirring Little Read on Hospitality | Review of The Simplest Way to Change the World

About the Book
(from Moody Publishers)

How to make disciples using hospitality

Deep down, every Christian wants to make a difference. But for many of us, the years come and go and we never do. The good news is: change can be as simple as opening your front door.

The Simplest Way to Change the World is about biblical hospitality and its power for the gospel. Since people will sooner enter a living room than a church, hospitality is a natural and effective way to build relationships for Christ. You'll learn:

  • How the home can be a hub for community 
  • How hospitality leads to joy, purpose, and belonging 
  • How it grows families to love the things of God 
  • How it's not about being the perfect host 
  • How to be hospitable regardless of your living space 

Hospitality is a beautiful legacy of the church, and a great way to make disciples. As you open your life up to others, you share in the very character of God and experience His joy. And you get to witness lives change—including your own.

Includes 20+ creative ideas for hospitality, plus questions for small groups

Available Now!

My Review

This is an easy-to-read, engaging book that helps you better understand why hospitality matters and how you can embrace it in all seasons and stages of life. Granted, some of the ideas feel more scary to implement than others, but I appreciate that this book challenges the reader in a fun, encouraging way.

The Simplest Way to Change the World is a fairly quick read, and both authors jump back and forth in sharing their own experiences (or their friends'). While I'd say this book is geared more toward couples (especially ones with kids), the authors do address singles and college students, and a lot of the ideas are general enough to apply to anyone with a space for hosting.

The "Practical Rhythms of Hospitality" chapter is really neat, offering a variety of ideas for being intentional about inviting others into your life on a weekly, monthly, and/or yearly basis. A lot of the ideas provide a fun, foot-in-the-door sort of approach that can help you start building relationships. One of the weekly ideas involves inviting people over to watch a TV show, and I know that I've been blessed by others who did just that!

And besides the creative ideas, I appreciate that this book includes chapters like "How Do You Meet Your Neighbors?" and "How Do You Get to the Gospel?" Because, well, we don't want to be creepy or annoying or uncaring! So these chapters provide helpful perspective on being available, reaching out, and truly loving others without shying away from talk of Jesus.

I like that there's a small-group guide for those who want to study the book and its topics together. This book doesn't impart boldness to you or magically make your schedule more open, but it is a thought-stirring little read that speaks to the importance of hospitality and the need for any and every Christian to have a hospitable heart.

*With thanks to Moody Publishers for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.*

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