
Monday, February 25, 2019

You're Invited to the Emily of New Moon Read-Along!

March is on its way...and here's hoping that means spring is coming soon too! :) In the new month, I'll be hosting a read-along for L.M. Montgomery's Emily of New Moon. Whether this will be your first time reading it (like me!) or your gazillionth, I'd love to have you join me in cherishing and discussing this classic!

For this read-along, I've decided not to worry about a hashtag for Twitter/Instagram. We'll keep things simple and stick around the blogosphere. Here are some further details...
  • We'll read 1 chapter per day (31 days / 31 chapters). Love when the numbers work so well! 
  • Discussions will take place here on Sundays (the 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st). 
  • I'll provide ideas and questions, and you can take part through commenting on my discussion posts or creating your own blog posts!
Here are some examples of past read-alongs I've hosted: Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, Emma, Pride & Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Sense & Sensibility, The Silver Chair.

So excited to begin reading Emily of New Moon and to exchange thoughts with you! Let me know if you'll be joining the fun by commenting below or posting on your blog. :) (Feel free to use the image in this post and share it wherever you'd like!)


  1. Oh, yes! I have only read the Anne books by L. M. Montgomery, so I would love to join!! I'll just have to get ahold of a copy now...

  2. MovieCritic,

    Hooray! I'm excited to read another of her books too. :) (I've read The Blue Castle, which was also wonderful!)

    As Julie notes on her blog, the ebook version on Amazon is pretty cheap, and my understanding is that Emily of New Moon is now in the public domain in the US (here's an article on that), so you could also read it online for free. :) Alternatively, the library might be a good way to go if you'd prefer to read a paperback or audiobook copy!

    Excited to do another read-along with you!


  3. Julie,

    Woohoo! I saw your blog post about the read-along; thank you so much for sharing! :) Looking forward to discussing another classic with you!


  4. Carissa,

    Yay!! Hoping this will be a fun read-along for everyone. :) Thanks for joining in!


  5. I haven't heard of this one!! I would love to join, but I don't think I can. I will add this to the TBR first sure though.

    1. Kami,

      How fun that we could introduce you to it! :) I'm looking forward to reading it for the first time; hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to read it!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!