
Monday, February 18, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Loved That Should Get More Love ♥

Top Ten Tuesday is such a fun blog series that's currently being hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week's topic is "Books I LOVED with Fewer than 2,000 Ratings on Goodreads." For the month of Valentine's, I think it's a great idea to spread the love for some amazing books that could be considered "hidden gems." Here are ten books I greatly enjoyed...

by Krissi Dallas
Goodreads stats: 4.27 stars, 144 ratings

This is such a fun and epic YA fantasy series (perfect for summer vacation)! There are four books out so far, with a fifth in the works. :)

by Cambria Hebert
Goodreads stats: 3.66 stars, 745 ratings

The ratings show that readers have mixed feelings on this contemporary fantasy... But it's a total FAVE for me! The premise is different and rather dark, but it's hard not to fall in love with the hero (and the butler). 
Goodreads stats: 4.31 stars, 938 ratings

 I so need to reread this! In my review, I said this book is "the epitome of what I long for in historical romance." Such a lovely read! Burning Sky (the author's debut) is also powerful and beautifully written, and I have another book of hers on my TBR I'm looking forward to reading.

Ain't We Got Fun 
by Emily Chapman & Emily Ann Putzke
Goodreads stats: 4.19 stars, 42 ratings

This is such a charming epistolary story! In my review, I said, "The characters are all such dears! *Hugs them close*" Looking for a heartwarming little historical? Here you go!

Unlucky in Love & Lyrics 
by Tracy Joy Jones
Goodreads stats: 4.75 stars, 4 ratings

You might have seen me mention this on the blog before, back when it was available to the author's newsletter subscribers. Well, great news! This delightful contemporary romance novella is now available on Amazon for only $.99, and you can read it in time for St. Patrick's Day!

by Michelle Griep
Goodreads stats: 4.02 stars, 82 ratings

I also have to mention Gallimore; both books are such awesome time-travel romances that were published a while back. The author has become well-known in the realm of inspirational fiction for her great historical novels, but if you enjoy the concept of time travel, I highly recommend these engaging stories. :)

The Electrical Menagerie 
by Mollie E. Reeder
Goodreads stats: 4.64 stars, 88 ratings

Say hello to a super fun steampunk novel with such endearing characters! This author has a great writing style. As you can see by the star rating, readers love this book. :) Now we just need more readers to discover its awesomeness!

The Rose and the Briar 
by J.M. Stengl
Goodreads stats: 4.47 stars, 110 ratings

Any fairy-tale fans? This is such a fun reimagining of Sleeping Beauty! I still need to read the first two books in the series (!), but I loved this one, especially the garden setting.

Ten Thousand Thorns 
by Suzannah Rowntree
Goodreads stats: 4.37 stars, 41 ratings

Another Sleeping Beauty reimagining...but in a very different genre! I've read a couple other unique retellings by this author, but this one is my favorite so far. It's exciting and thought-provoking, with a great hero!

Dancing & Doughnuts 
by Rachel Kovaciny
Goodreads stats: 4.29 stars, 21 ratings

Another fairy-tale reimagining, this one in the Wild West. :) If you're looking for something intriguing but utterly light and sweet, this is a tasty choice! 

* * *

What are some of your favorite hidden gems?
Which books should get more love?


  1. 'Love and Lyrics' looks SO DARN CUUUTE! Gotta' love a good contemporary romcom. Also, someday I need to make the time to read Rachel's newest fairy-tale re-imagining, too. :)

  2. You've introduced me to some books I've never heard of before. My TBR list just got longer.

  3. Ain't We Got Fun does sound like a good read.

    My Top Ten Tuesday post.

  4. The Electrical Menageria is such a fascinating read. I don't read a lot of steampunk, but I might have to check this one out.

  5. Rissi,

    It totally is!! I think you would love it. :) It's a fun, meaningful, creative, quick read!

    And Rachel's Dancing & Doughnuts is definitely a sweet, clever story!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out my list, friend!


  6. Brittaney,

    Awesome! Thanks so much for letting me know. :) Hope you enjoy whichever stories you might try!


  7. Lydia,

    It's a cute one, for sure! Thanks so much for stopping by. :)


  8. Alyssa,

    I totally recommend it, even if you're not generally a fan of steampunk! I wouldn't say I read a lot in that genre either, but this one has such great characters and feels very accessible. :)

    Thank you for visiting!


  9. Hey Amber - I've only read Lori's book out of your list, which looks fabulous :)

    You are clearly a fan of fairy tales!

  10. I really enjoyed Ain't We Got Fun! I love Michelle Griep, but have never heard of her time travel novels. I'll definitely have to check them out. :-) And The Rose and The Briar has such a pretty cover!

    Lovely list, Amber!

  11. Rel,

    I do enjoy the fairy-tale retellings, for sure! ;) And Lori's books are so good!! Thank you for stopping by to check out my list. :)


  12. Miranda,

    Yay! It's such a sweet read!

    And I think you'd enjoy Michelle's time-travel stories. :) They're romantic and intriguing and a lot of fun!

    I agree about the lovely cover for The Rose and the Briar! I'm eagerly awaiting the cover reveal for The Lady and the Wish, her next release.

    Thanks so much for your kind words and for stopping by, friend!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!