
Friday, January 4, 2019

You're Invited: The Silver Chair Read-Along

It's almost time for another read-along! I love the motivation these provide to complete some classics by reading and discussing them with you. :)

I ran a poll the last two days via Twitter to help me decide which book to pick...but the results were pretty even across the board! Out of eight votes, three went to Anne of Avonlea, three went to The Silver Chair, and two went to Emily of New Moon.

If I'm remembering correctly, The Silver Chair is the one book I have left to read in the Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis. So, with the desire to finally finish the series (plus the fact that I'm currently reading Can't Help Falling by Kara Isaac, which features two Narnia fans as the main characters!), I've broken the tie and chosen The Silver Chair for January. I so hope you'll join the journey!

(I'm thinking I might host a read-along for Emily of New Moon in March, for those who are eager to discuss an L.M. Montgomery story. Stay tuned!)

Now, here are the details for this read-along...

  • We'll read 1 chapter per day during the weekdays (for a total of 16 chapters). This will give us a few weekends to get ahead or catch up, if needed!
  • Discussions will take place here on Thursdays (the 17th, the 24th, and the 31st). 
  • The plan is to start reading on the 10th, but feel free to start sooner if you'd like! 
  • Use the hashtag #SilverChairReadAlong on Twitter to share your thoughts or favorite quotes/scenes as you read.

I had so much fun hosting read-alongs for Jane Austen's main works: Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, Emma, Pride & Prejudice, Mansfield Park, and Sense & Sensibility. Now we're off on a new adventure with a very different genre. I'm looking forward to comparing and sharing thoughts on The Silver Chair!


  1. Yay, I'm so excited! The Silver Chair has so much to think about! I definitely am going to participate!

  2. Oh I would love to participate!! I'm way behind in the Narnia series so I don't want to jump ahead, but I will definitely participate in your next read along! Sounds like fun! :)

  3. MovieCritic,

    Awesome!! I'm so glad you don't mind rereading it with us. :) This will be my first time reading this particular Narnia book, and I'm sure it will definitely be thought provoking!


  4. Carissa,

    Yay! So happy you'll be joining us. :)


  5. Julie,

    Woohoo! Glad to have you on board for another read-along. :)


  6. Jillian,

    I totally understand! I'm excited for the next read-along too. :) Thanks so much for stopping by!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!