
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Visiting My Christmas Past, Present, and Future | Yes, Carol...It's Christmas! Blog Tour

With December 1st only a few days away, it’s almost time for me to pull out the wreath for our door, the tree for under our stairs, and all the little decorations that make our house just a bit more festive for this most delightful time of year. :) I can’t wait!

In honor of Cindy Vincent’s novella, Yes, Carol…It’s Christmas!—a fun modern-day reimagining of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens with its ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future—I’m going to visit Christmas past, present, and future in today’s tour post.

The Past
A Favorite Christmas Memory 

On December 10th, two years ago, my boyfriend and I spent the day on the coast. It was a Christmas miracle that he even made it for a visit—you can read more of the story HERE. After having breakfast with a beach view and walking around cute and festive Old Town, we drove to Heceta Head Lighthouse. As we looked down on the lighthouse from a trail, my boyfriend proposed and became my fiancé. :)

We then made our way back down to the bed-and-breakfast (what used to be the lightkeeper’s home), which was all decked out in its Christmas finery, and indulged in some cookies and a bit of Christmas cheer to conclude our memorable coastal outing.

I do so love that bed-and-breakfast, and it really is lovely dressed up for the holiday season! If you’d like to make their Christmas open house part of your plans this year, you can learn more HERE.

The Present
Plans for This Christmas 

As far as family goes, it’s just Josh (my husband) and me in this part of Montana. So if our Christmas this year is like our holiday last year, it will be simple and sweet, the two of us combining some of our favorite traditions. :)

One tradition Josh enjoys is baking and decorating Christmas sugar cookies. His family has a delicious recipe that calls for a bit of orange zest, which makes the cookies extra special.

I’m sure we’ll make more of these yummy cookies this year! I actually used the recipe for making Halloween cookies not too long ago…but I’m excited to make a bigger batch, with enough to munch on and share. :)

One tradition I enjoy is decorating the Christmas tree. My parents have a rather large artificial tree, and when I was growing up, it was a fun event to fill it with all sorts of Hallmark ornaments and other meaningful decorations. The tree even rotates, so guests can see everything and try out the interactive ornaments that speak or light up or play music.

Josh and I have a lovely little artificial tree a dear friend gave me when I was living on my own in Oregon. And happily, it fits perfectly under our stairs! The branches can hold quite a few ornaments, too, so I’m looking forward to once again adding some cheer to this spot in our main room.

The Future
Dreams for Christmas…Someday 

I have so many wonderful Christmas memories, and I hope to make even more with Josh and any children we might have someday. :) I want to pass along some of my parents’ and Josh’s parents’ traditions and create some more of our own. My deepest hope for Christmas future, should kids be part of the picture, is to pass along a love for Jesus and a desire to celebrate His coming to earth with reflective, joyful, grateful, and generous hearts.

As for a whimsical dream… If Josh and I were to ever own and run a bed-and-breakfast someday, I think it would be delightful to decorate the rooms and building, serve extra treats throughout December, and gather around a fire in the sitting room as we swap Christmas memories with our guests and maybe even hand out a few little gifts. It would be so warm and cozy! :) 

How about you? 

Cindy and I would love to hear a favorite memory, your plans for this holiday season, or a dream you have for a future Christmas! Also, don’t forget to enter the tour-wide giveaway for a chance to win a “party in a box”! (See the tour introduction post for more details.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love your post, Amber!! The pictures are so wonderful, and I loved reading about your Christmases. Funny how we "mark time" by the Christmas season!

  2. Cindy,

    Thanks so much! :) (And thank you for giving me the opportunity to write such a post as we celebrate your Christmas novella!) I have such delightful Christmas memories, and I'm excited to embrace the season in new ways with Josh. ♥ Christmas is definitely a highlight of the year in many ways!


  3. Aw, this is so sweet! I just loved reading your post, Amber! ^_^

    My favorite Christmas memory is from when I was three or four. My parents and I still lived in Humboldt, and we went over to my aunt and uncle's house for dinner, gifts, and family time. Our Christmases have decreased quite a bit since then, but I'm hoping that someday, if I ever marry and have kids, we can finally recreate that. :)

  4. Past: most family Christmases are my favorites. Present: I hope to be home for Christmas to enjoy the grands. Future: More family!

  5. Thank you so much, Liv! :) *hugs*

    I just love that you're from Humboldt too! And what a special memory. Having a bigger celebration with loved ones is a joy, for sure! I think that's a lovely goal to have a Christmas like that again!

    So glad you stopped by, friend!


  6. Julie,

    Love it! Family is such a gift, and I love that your family is a big part of your Christmas memories, plans, and dreams. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!