
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Books with My Favorite Color on the Cover

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is "Books with My Favorite Color on the Cover." I love the cooler colors (green, blue, and purple), and purple has been a favorite of mine since I was young. :) I'm going to feature several purple books I enjoyed and several purple books I'm looking forward to reading...

Purple Books I Enjoyed

#1: Be Still My Soul by Joanne Bischof (my review)

#2: Windchaser by Krissi Dallas (my review)

#3: Recalled by Cambria Hebert (my fave read of 2013, and one of my faves of all time!)

#4: The Key to Extraordinary by Natalie Lloyd (my review)

Purple Books on My TBR

#5 The Crown by Kiera Cass (Not 100% sure I'll read this one... I don't know if this series is quite for me. But that cover!! So gorgeous. And I'm wondering if I'll prefer the setup for these last two books as compared to the first three, of which I only fully read one.)

#6 Under a Blackberry Moon by Serena B. Miller (I won this book on Goodreads...back in 2013. Eep! Still looking forward to reading it, though!)

#7 You Are Here by Jennifer E. Smith (I read a couple of her books and really enjoyed them. So, I ended up with several more on my TBR that I haven't quite gotten into yet. Maybe the mood will strike again!)

#8 The False Princess by Eilis O'Neal (Another book that's been on my TBR for about five years. But it does look good!)

#9 Ellie and the Prince by J.M. Stengl (This one and its novella prequel are on my Kindle, and I can't wait to read them! I really enjoyed The Little Siren, an ebook you can get for free when you sign up for the author's e-newsletter.)

#10 A Dance of Silver and Shadow by Melanie Cellier (I recently found out about this one as an audiobook through the author's e-newsletter, and when Audible sent me a free credit out of the blue, I chose this book. The cover and title are so delightful, and I'm excited to listen to this audiobook!)

* * *

What's your favorite color?
Which books on your shelf 
feature your favorite color on the cover?


  1. Lovely covers!! I enjoyed this prompt! I liked False Princess, but there was nothing that stood out.

  2. I'm not a fan of purple, but you picked some lovely covers!

  3. I chose purple books this week too!
    My TTT:

  4. Kami,

    This was totally a fun prompt! Love seeing others' favorite colors and the covers that stand out. :) You picked some awesome blue ones!

    Good to know about The False Princess! It sounds like maybe it's a sweet and fun story, if not a super surprising one?


  5. Brittaney,

    Thanks so much! Aren't these so pretty? Love all the beautiful dresses and the symbolic covers!


  6. IloveHeartlandX,

    Purple FTW! :D Your choices are very striking!


  7. Purple is my second-favorite color. I haven’t read any of these, but they’re very pretty!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  8. AJ,

    Blue and purple are fab! :) Thank you for checking out my choices! You shared so many pretty blue covers. :D



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!