
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

After Blog Tour + Book Giveaway

I've read two stories by Savannah Jezowski so far: When Ravens Fall and "Wither" in the Five Enchanted Roses anthology (my review). Her writing is awesome, and "Wither" ended up being my favorite story out of that collection! While I'm not reviewing After today, I still wanted to share about Savannah's latest release. :) Enjoy...and don't miss your chance to win a copy of the book!

About the Book

“Some people might say that there are worse fates than death. In some worlds, perhaps that may well be the case. But in mine, it would be a lie. There is no greater horror than that which comes after death.”

On the streets of an ancient city, with creepers wandering at will and a mysterious assassin leaving corpses all over Pandorum, a young Spook with a dark secret will do anything to keep his brothers safe, even from forces that threaten to tear them apart from within. While others are searching for impossible cures from outlawed Spinners, Conrad Ellis III does not believe in fairy tales and miracles. But when he discovers a strange girl with shrouded ties to the Assassin, Eli is forced to leave the streets he loves and travel into the very heart of Pandorum in order to save a member of his family. With his health failing and the danger escalating, there is no escaping the inevitable truth.

Today, he may hunt creepers. Tomorrow, he just might be one.

About the Author

Savannah Jezowski lives in a drafty farmhouse in Amish country with her Knight in Shining Armor, a wee warrior princess, and two English Springer Spaniels. She is the author of When Ravens Fall and The Neverway Chronicles. Her work has been published in Ray Gun Revival, Mindflights and in the student publication of Fountains at Pensacola Christian College. She is also a featured author in Five Enchanted Roses from Rooglewood Press and Mythical Doorways from Fellowship of Fantasy. She likes books, faeries, writing hats and having tea with her imaginary friends.

Book Giveaway

Explore the world of After by entering for a chance to win a signed paperback from the author! (US only.)

Click HERE to enter!

Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, May 14th
Tuesday, May 15th
Wednesday, May 16th
Thursday, May 17th
Friday, May 18th
Saturday May 19th
Monday, May 21st


  1. That's so cool that've read Wither! I haven't read that one yet, but I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it. :)

    Thanks so much for sharing, sweet friend! <3

  2. Thank you for sharing! I'm so glad you enjoyed Wither: those characters have a special place in my heart. :)

  3. Laura,

    I highly recommend Five Enchanted Roses and "Wither" in particular! Such a great collection. :) I still need to read Five Magic Spindles and catch up on the Rooglewood Press contest books. ;)

    Glad I could participate in this tour and help spread the word about Savannah's latest!


  4. Savannah,

    Happy to share! "Wither" was wonderful, and I could certainly understand how special that story and its characters must be to you. :) I love your writing, and I wish you all the best on this latest release!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!