
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Take Place in Another Country

This week, the Top Ten Tuesday theme takes us globe-trotting! I decided to feature a few books I've started and some I read and enjoyed in the past. :) In no particular order...

Current Reads

#1 Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
Setting: Prince Edward Island, Canada

I'm pretty sure I read this series when I was younger, but it's been a lot of fun to reread Anne of Green Gables for the read-along this month! (You can check out my read-along posts HERE.) The descriptions of the island are so beautiful and engaging! This is definitely a place I'd love to visit someday. (Also, isn't this cover gorgeous? Check out all the Puffin in Bloom covers!)

#2 Born of Persuasion by Jessica Dotta
Setting: England

This is one of those review books I should have read long, long ago. As much as I'm ashamed I didn't, I can also say I'm really intrigued by the story and am happy to be reading it now! The descriptions of the location are great so far, a combination of inviting and eerie. I'm looking forward to sharing a long-overdue review!

#3 A Name Unknown by Roseanna M. White
Setting: England

I confess it's been a little while since I've picked up this book... I left off around page 83. But I've heard wonderful things about this series so far, and I also have the second book to read sometime. So, I hope to continue soon! I love the tension between the main characters so far and the underlying threat from outside forces.

Books I Read and Loved

#4 The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows
Setting: Guernsey

This was one of my favorite reads of 2015. Such a wonderful book! And it's being made into a movie!

#5 Chateau of Echoes by Siri L. Mitchell
Setting: France

I remember really enjoying this one and its romance!

#6 Yesterday's Tomorrow by Catherine West
Setting: Vietnam

Such a powerful story about the Vietnam War! You can check out my review HERE.

#7 There You'll Find Me by Jenny B. Jones
Setting: Ireland

From my review: "The charm of Ireland, the angst of young adulthood, and the beautiful craziness of life come together to make this an engaging, moving read!... Brimming with emotion and overflowing with hope, this book stole my heart. Is there a list for new Jenny B. Jones fans? Because if there is, well...there you'll find me." 

#8 The Thief by Stephanie Landsem
Setting: Jerusalem

This is truly a perfect read for Easter! Here's my review.

#9 Grave Consequences by Lisa T. Bergren
Setting: France, Austria, Italy

I recommend the whole series, and it's best to read them in order. This is the second book, which I marked as a "favorite" on Goodreads. You can learn more about the series HERE!

#10 Guardian of the Flame by T.L. Higley
Setting: Egypt

I want to reread this one sometime! I reviewed it on Amazon way back when (2009). I also really liked some other books in this "Seven Wonders" series, including City of the Dead (now Pyramid of Secrets), Shadow of Colossus (now Isle of Shadows), and Pompeii (now City on Fire).

* * *

What are some books you've read or are currently reading set in different countries? 


  1. Thanks for all the new book ideas. I love books set in countries other than the U.S. though I tend to read mostly books set in England.


  2. Love, loved A Name Unknown and Guernsey. Such great reads! I hope they do the movie well. Also enjoyed Grave Consequences and of course I looooved Anne of Green Gables! There You'll Find Me has been on my TBR forever and the cover for Chateau of Echoes is so pretty I'm going to have to look into it.

    Wonderful list, my friend! Have a great week and happy reading! :-)

  3. Lauren,

    Aww, you're welcome! I'm glad the list appeals to you. :) I totally understand about reading books set in England when it comes to other countries! Sometimes it's hard to vary up our reading choices. Hope you find some great reads set in other places!


  4. Miranda,

    Awesome to hear the ones you loved from this list! I'm definitely hoping the movie for Guernsey is good, as well! It's been a while since I read There You'll Find Me, but I found it to be wonderful the first time I read it. :) And I bet you'd enjoy Chateau of Echoes too! Unfortunately, I'm not sure if that paperback cover is super easy to find now...and the ebook cover isn't that great. :( But I enjoyed the story, and I hope you like it if you do pick up a copy!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, and hope you have a great week too! *hugs*



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