
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Top Ten (or Three) Tuesday: Bookish Resolutions

Did you make any New Year's reading resolutions? I have a few goals...not ten, although there are more than ten books on my TBR, if that counts. ;) Be sure to check out today's post at That Artsy Reader Girl to see other bloggers' resolutions and join the Top Ten Tuesday fun!

Resolution #1: 
Read Mansfield Park and Sense & Sensibility

Thanks to the Mansfield Park read-along, I'm already on my way to completing this goal! Once I finish these two books, I'll have read all the main works of Jane Austen. (There are other writings, complete and incomplete, but it will be great to have read all her main novels.) And the really cool thing is that I'll have read all of those books with you, those who have participated in the Jane Austen read-alongs. :) So fun!

(Also, my sister gave me a Barnes & Noble gift card for Christmas, which is what I used to purchase that lovely copy of Sense & Sensibility. Can't wait to dive in for the next read-along!)

Resolution #2: 
Catch Up on Paperback Review Books

This goal comes with a shameful confession... I have too many review books that I've never read or reviewed. :( While some in this picture are ones I received unexpectedly or from giveaways, some are ones I requested, which makes it even worse that I haven't reviewed them yet.

My hope is to read all of these (13). It would feel so good to catch up! And maybe, by sharing reviews of some not-brand-new releases, I'll be able to point others to some gems they might have missed. :) 

Resolution #3:
Read 50 Books Total 

This is my Goodreads 2018 Reading Challenge. This means reading about one book per week, which seems fairly doable... We'll see! I didn't read that much last year, but I think this year will likely be a little quieter. ;) So far I've read three books: Shades of Doon and Forever Doon, completing the Doon series, and The Sound of Rain. I have plenty of others I want to read soon! (See photo for a glimpse at some of the books on my TBR.)

* * *

This year I really want to focus on the books I already own (on my shelf or Kindle). There are SO many to enjoy! I won't run out of options anytime soon. :)

How about you? 
What are your reading resolutions?


  1. Good luck with all of your goals. They are good ones.

  2. So much bookish fun, Amber! LOVE the cover of your edition of Sense and Sensibility. So pretty! And I can't wait to read it with you all because it makes my heart sing. Love that book so much!

    50 books is a great goal! And you've already got a good head start. It looks like you've got several lovelies to read this year. The Selection Series are nice quick reads. And the covers!!! Who doesn't love them!?

    Awesome post, friend! Happy reading! :-)

  3. I really liked SENSE AND SENSIBILITY when I read it, but it was so long ago that I don't really remember what the novel was about! Maybe it's time for a re-read??

    Good luck with all your goals. Happy TTT!

  4. Deb,

    Thank you so much! I hope you're able to enjoy a lot of great reads this year! :)


  5. Miranda,

    Isn't that cover great? :) I'm not quite sure what the symbolism is at this point...but I love it just the same! LOL And I'm happy to hear you love Sense & Sensibility so much! I'm definitely looking forward to reading it with the group. :)

    Thanks so much for your kind words! I've read The Selection, and I believe I started The Elite, but I totally need to actually finish the series. I so agree: the covers are simply gorgeous!! I love seeing them all lined up together. :)

    Thanks for stopping by, friend, and happy reading in 2018 to you too!


  6. Susan,

    A re-read sounds like a perfect idea! You're totally welcome to join us when we do the read-along. :) I'm thinking maybe later this spring? We shall see! Glad to hear you enjoyed Sense & Sensibility the first time you read it!

    Thank you for your kind comment, and happy Friday!



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