
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

'Tis the Season of Stories: A Christmas Gift for Returning Clients and the Blogger Team

Hello, friends! I hope this Christmas season has been full of stories for you: ones you're reading, ones you're writing, and the one you're living. :)

If you've been writing a story, I'd love to assist you on the journey! I'm currently freelancing under my married name, offering both editing/critiquing and marketing services.

And here's my gift to you: If you're a returning client (someone I worked with under Editing Through the Seasons in 2012-2014) OR if you signed up as part of the team of bloggers who are willing to participate in future blog events (you can still sign up HERE!), I'm offering discounts...

Take 20% off your first marketing project (blog tour, cover reveal, or book description) and/or 10% off your first editing project (critique or copyedit).

I'm so grateful for such supportive friends, and I'd love to work with you again or in new ways! And as the New Year approaches, this is the perfect time to move another step forward with your publishing goal. Let's take that step together!

Merry Christmas to all my blogging friends!

Just for fun: I've been taking lots of pics of myself using my camera's timer feature as I've been updating my website. Here are some bloopers... ;)

Sleeping? Meditating?

Eek! Too eager to check the photo, I suppose. ;) 


  1. MovieCritic,

    Haha, thank you!! ;) Merry Christmas, friend!


  2. Love the photos! And I'll be signing up for a blog tour just as soon as I have some dates figured out for my new book. Looking forward to it, since all the other blog tours we did years ago were so much fun! Not to mention, very successful . . .

    Merry Christmas!!

  3. Cindy,

    Double thanks!! :) I'm so looking forward to that blog tour and the release of your next novel. It's such a good story!

    Thank you, as well, for your kind words. ♥ A very merry Christmas to you, Rob, and the kitties!


  4. Totally love these photos! So happy you're back in the game, Amber! Big hugs and, have a lovely New Year celebration!

  5. Miranda,

    Aw, thanks, friend! It's good to be back. :)

    Big hugs to you too, and may your New Year be joyous and full of hope! ♥ Thanks so much for stopping by!


  6. Congratulations on your return to editing and marketing, Amber! I wish you lots of success with your work! :)

  7. Miranda,

    Thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind words and support, friend. :)



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