
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: The Winter TBR

I love that some of my blogging friends participate in the weekly "Top Ten Tuesday" meme, which encourages me to participate. Once in a while I see others posting about a topic that catches my eye, and I have to share my own list. :) 

This week's theme is "Top Ten Books on My Winter TBR." (You can read the original post or link up your own post HERE.)

On My Shelf (or Desk, or Nightstand):

#1 The Sound of Rain by Sarah Loudin Thomas

I requested this one for review from Bethany House Publishers. The premise, the cover, and the mood of this story spoke to me, and I'm looking forward to reading it! It promises to be sweet and thoughtful. 

#2 Yes, Carol...It's Christmas! by Cindy Vincent

I greatly enjoy novellas and Cindy's work! I've had the pleasure of editing a few of her stories, but this one is brand new to me. It sounds like a really fun story to get me in the Christmas mood...even more so than I already am. ;)

#3 East by Edith Pattou

I'm quite ashamed I haven't read this one yet. I was given a copy by a dear friend, and I should have read it many months ago! So this is definitely high on my list to finally finish this winter, and judging by the premise and setting of the story, it's the perfect season to savor it. :) 

#4 What Light by Jay Asher

I believe I bought this one with a gift card last winter, and it's definitely the time of year to actually read it! The description, the cover, the recommendations from friends...yep, this promises to be a sweet treat for the holidays. :)

#5 The Wishing Season by Denise Hunter

It's these wintery covers that beg me to read them now, haha. ;) Plus, in this case, I do love me an engaging Denise Hunter story! This one sounds like cheery chaos, and I'm hoping I'll get to it in the next couple of months.

On My Kindle:

#6 The Mayflower Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse

Everyone seems really excited about this series, so of course I jumped on the bandwagon and requested a review copy from NetGalley. So, the plan is to read it before its February release. There are a lot of great authors contributing to the series, and I'm happy for the chance to read the first book. :) 

#7 Wrapped in Red by Meghan M. Gorecki

I recently joined dear friend Meghan's Belles & Roses Street Team, and I'm excited for all she has planned for 2018! In the meantime, this sweet little book has been sitting on my Kindle too long, and I ought to read it ASAP. Again, perfect time of year to do so!

#8 Bespoke: A Tiny Christmas Tale by Amanda Dykes

Yet another Christmas novella that's sitting on my Kindle, deserving to be read! Based on ratings and reviews, I have no doubt this will be a lovely tale, indeed.

#9 What Dreams May Come by Alana Terry

All these gorgeous wintery covers!! Seriously, so pretty. :) And this book, while fiction, is based off the author's own love story. It sounds meaningful and intriguing, and I hope I won't let it sit forever on my Kindle!

#10 A Twist of Faith by Pepper Basham

I recently won the second book in this series in a giveaway (woohoo!), and I know it is beyond time that I experience a Pepper Basham story. So I figure I should probably start with the first book before diving into the second. :) Bet it will be awesome!

* * *

There are lots of other books on my shelves (physical and virtual), and I hope these aren't the only books I read during the winter season. But these are certainly ones I'd like to read sooner rather than later! So tell me, friends, what books are on your TBR list? Have you read any of the above?


  1. I'm not a huge fan of novellas but Bespoke is a personal favorite. And The Wishing Season was so sweet. I forgot about What Light. I need to add that one to my list.

  2. Wrapped in Red, The Wishing Season, and A Twist of Faith are all wonderful!!! I've heard great things about Bespoke -- I need to acquire it! Happy reading!

  3. I am loving all the Christmas books I have been seeing on everyone's winter TBRs. It gets me excited to know everyone is gearing up for Christmas. Great list! Happy reading & holidays!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

  4. Brittaney,

    Happy to hear you're a fan of Bespoke and The Wishing Season! I'm looking forward to reading both. :) And What Light looks good, doesn't it? Hope you enjoy it too!


  5. Courtney,

    Yay! Super glad you enjoyed those three and recommend them. :) And Bespoke has definitely gained a great reputation! Hope you can acquire it soon. :) Happy reading to you too, friend!


  6. Heather,

    Aww, I agree! It's so fun to dive into the Christmas reads this time of year. :) I see there are a few on your list too! The Christmas Town sounds like a great read, and I believe that's the author of The Christmas Shoes series, right?

    Also, how sweet that your fiance got you A Study in Charlotte! And The Night Circus is one I've barely started and need to finish sometime too. :)

    Thanks for stopping by!


  7. I have never heard of any of these, but they look really good! Have fun reading them!!

  8. AJ,

    Thank you so much! And I so agree, the cover for What Light is perfect for the Christmas season. :) Fun to hear it's been on a lot of readers' lists!

    Thank you for your comment!


  9. MovieCritic,

    Aw, thank you, friend! I'm quite eager to dive into the books on this list...they do look appealing, don't they? :) Hope you've found some great reads for the season too!


  10. Ooo! Bespoke looks beautiful! That cover... the pop of red, everything about it is drawing me in.

    Enjoy Meghan's novella (so cute!), and What Light. Both are lovely festive reads. Of course, you know I'm also a fan of Denise Hunter. As I remember 'Wishing' is a lovely story - plus, once again, who could resist that cute cover this time of year? :)

    Happy winter TBR-ing, Amber - and thanks, as always, for visiting Finding Wonderland. Always lovely to chat with you.

  11. Rissi,

    Isn't the cover for Bespoke so lovely?? :)

    So glad to hear you recommend both those books! Yay for festive reading! And exactly on the cute winter covers...irresistible. ;)

    Your blog is a delightful place to visit, friend! Thank you for visiting here, as well, and here's to lots of great December (and beyond) reading!


  12. Hello, my dear Amber!

    Well, I'm afraid I'm late to the party here . . . But I wanted to thank you for including my Yes, Carol . . . It's Christmas! among your Christmas reads. So very thoughtful of you, and I truly hope it put your Christmas spirit on overdrive . . . ;)

    Thanks so much, and the merriest of Christmases to you and new hubby!!

  13. Cindy,

    Never too late to join the party! :) It was my pleasure to share about your latest book - and to read it! I love your heart for spreading the Christmas spirit. :) Your novella was so enjoyable!!

    The merriest of Christmases to you, Rob, and the kitties too! ♥



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!